Adventure Park Reminder



Hey Webkinz Fans! Have YOU been to the Adventure Park yet? If so, tell us what you think about it! If not, here’s the info you need to know:

In order to visit the Adventure Park and play the awesome quests, you need to adopt an Adventure Park Series Pet. The first six pets are the Pink Pony, Spotted Leopard, Mud Hippo, Chimpanzee, Koala or Spotted Frog.  If you adopt any of those pets, you’ll unlock a special quest made just for that pet, plus the ability to play in the rest of the park! You’ll also unlock a Mini-Quest. This quest is one that you send to an Adventure Friend –  if they’ve adopted an Adventure Pet, they get to share in the fun!

You’re going to have a blast playing in the Adventure Park – so adopt an Adventure Park Series Pet and head over today!

10 Responses to Adventure Park Reminder

  1. Tabbycat1411 says:

    You only get one quest? I was planning on buying one, but all the comments say you only get one quest, is that still true? I was gonna get the Koala still might, but… That would be very disappointing.

  2. cleapatrathequeen says:

    I have the pink pony, got rosebud (pink pony’s name is rosebud) on easter with four other webkinz I have ten webkinz and adopting more

  3. ga1z says:

    i wish i had a adventure pet it would be so much fun. if i got one i would so get the velvity elephant.

  4. Cheri says:

    I bought me and my kids a new pet so we could go into adventure park. But since we have done the quest and the mini quest, we haven’t received any more quest. Is it only one quest per pet? Do we have to adopt a new pet each time we want to do something in adventure park?

    • nameless says:

      Dear Cheri,
      no. u do not need to adopt a pet every time u would like to do something in the park. i am all most positive that it said there is a new mini quest every day. i think it is a quest to a pet. keep checking back everyday for mini quests. if there still is no mini quests in the news is a contact us button. if there is not an adventure park section i would suggest calling webkinz.
      :)hope this helps(:

  5. kkitty26 says:

    I love the adventure park, the quests are great. The problem is after the first quests I don’t have an other one to do and I can’t send mini quests to my friend! I’m so disappointed, please get me some more quests to do!

  6. CORNELIUS says:

    I already adopted one of the pets a long time ago. I can go into the park but not do a adventure quest. Thats not fair!!

  7. cattail says:

    I wish I had an adventure park pet.

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