The Results of the Cupcake Contest











By Ms. Cowoline

Good morning, children. I trust that you all had a good time this weekend at the Fall Fair. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the School Council for all their hard work. The Fall Fair was a huge success and it never would have happened without the effort, creativity and planning of Salley, Stoogles and Purr-cilla. And of course, we’d also like to thank all of you who volunteered your time to help out, and to all of the residents of Kinzville who so generously donated prizes and came out to enjoy the day.

Which brings me to the reason you’re all here – to find out who won the cupcake contest. I am pleased to say that all of the cupcakes did very well in the judging. It was a very close race. Stoogles’ Monster Cupcake placed a respectable fourth place with 516 votes, while Alex Tiger’s Desert Island Cupcake came in third with 652 votes. And in second place, with 673 votes, was Salley Cat’s adorable Polar Bear Cupcake.

But the winner of the Cupcake Contest, and the one who will take home this beautiful golden vase donated by Fluffington St. Bernard, with a very impressive 755 votes, is Nibbles and her ladybug cupcake. Congratulations, Nibbles!

Thank you so much to all of you who entered the contest and to everyone who took the time to vote.

You may go back to class now.

47 Responses to The Results of the Cupcake Contest

  1. emily says:

    uhhh! cupcakes how fun

  2. Josiah 034911 says:

    Oh my gosh, I just love all these cupcakes! Nibbles was so cute! I really liked Alex’s to. Oh and by the way, even though my name is Josiah 034911 I am not a boy, my mom just had a baby boy named Josiah, so thats why I did it.

    ~Josiah 034911

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