A Rare Gem Reference for your Week 1 Task!

If you haven’t finished your Week 1 task in Tropical Oasis, use this cheat sheet while you’re in the mines to help you remember which gems are Rare.

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3 Responses to A Rare Gem Reference for your Week 1 Task!

  1. cr2w says:

    Did finally get a rare gem, and have half of the slag, but only have had the creative class come up once. Seems that other classes show up more often.

  2. beerfeet says:

    I wish the poster in the curio shop was a little bit bigger or maybe you could touch it and you could enlarge it so you could see it better because when you’re looking for the uncommon gems that also is difficult to figure out

    • LegoFan27 says:

      Agreed. I think it would be nice if it listed common, uncommon, or rare under the gems as you are choosing them at the end of mining, before returning to the Curio Shop.

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