Plush Group Photo

Can you spot which plush are missing?

Some of our Plush couldn’t make it to their group photo today!

Which plush from the new Webkinz plush collection are missing from this photo?

18 Responses to Plush Group Photo

  1. cow8lover says:

    PLEASE have more cows! or a bear!

  2. hamsterpuffball11 says:

    I know you probably get this a lot but if you brought back the old style of plush I think you would get a lot of support from the community. (I know I would be buying them!)

  3. rybekah says:

    teacup yorki and the gray cat

  4. Boneleg says:

    It’s the Cocker Spaniel!!!!

  5. megamom12 says:

    Good gravy! You don’t realize how many there are until you line them up!

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