Season 26 Guide – Week 4

Tropical Oasis is our 26th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the week 4 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks. Click here for the week 2 tasks. Click here for the week 3 tasks.


Week 4


  • Earn 50 Prize Tickets at the Arcade
  • Get a score 25,000 in Dogbeard’s Gold
  • Show School Pride! Dress your pet in something from the Spirit Shop!
  • Exercise your pet on four different days
  • Get an A in any hard class at the Kinzville Academy
  • Use the Fortune Teller at the Curio Shop 5 times
  • Buy a Maple Candy from the Farmer’s Market
  • Have your baby or kid return from Daycare
  • Earn 200 points in Ant Mania or Picnic 5 times
  • Collect 20 pieces of litter in Kinzville


Earn 50 Prize Tickets at the Arcade

Head to the Arcade and play your favorite games to earn prize tickets! You’ll earn at least 1 ticket per game that you earn KinzCash on, and may earn more if you play really well! Make sure you have fewer than 9,999 tickets before you start — that’s the max you can have at any one time. You’ll need to spend them at the Arcade Shop at the back right of the Arcade — may I suggest spending them on play tokens to keep playing your favorite games after your free plays are done?

Get a score 25,000 in Dogbeard’s Gold

This may be a good one to spend play tokens on if you need a lot of attempts to get this score! This is definitely a tougher task, but if you pull it off, you’ll get 40 Season points and if it’s the first time you’ve achieved this score, you’ll receive the silver medal! Head to the Arcade and choose Dogbeard’s Gold from the list to get started.

Show School Pride! Dress your pet in something from the Spirit Shop!

Look for clothing at the Spirit Shop (or in your dock, if you got them earlier) and dress your pet! If your pet is already wearing something, you may have to remove the clothing first, then add it back. If it’s being extra picky, undress your pet, log out, log back in, dress your pet. Please note that the Academy Track Suit isn’t working for this task right now but should be fixed soon.

Exercise your pet on four different days

You’ll need to use exercise equipment on your own property for this task — visiting a friend and using theirs won’t work. You can use any kind of trampoline, swimming pool, or the treadmill. The treadmill can be found in the W Shop under Furniture -> Living Room, while a trampoline and pool can be found under Decorations -> Yard Decor


Get an A in any hard class at the Kinzville Academy

Class is in! Get an A in any hard class to satisfy this task. You have two weeks to complete this, so even if today’s hard class isn’t your forte, you’ll have 13 more attempts before the Season is over.


Use the Fortune Teller at the Curio Shop 5 times

Head to the Curio Shop and drop by the Fortune Teller on five different days to satisfy this task — maybe you’ll earn a Wish Token!


Buy a Maple Candy from the Farmer’s Market

There’s no Farmer’s Market today, but when it comes back on Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday, hop over and buy your pet a tasty Maple Candy. There are six Farmer’s Markets left before this Season is over.


Have your baby or kid return from Daycare

If you’ve got a kid or baby that need growth moments, send them to daycare and earn 20 Season points when they get back. This has to be a pet on your account — you can’t borrow a baby or kid for this task.


Earn 200 points in Ant Mania or Picnic 5 times

Either way, it’s all about ants and food — which is your favorite? For both games, make it to 500 points to earn the trophy! Find both games in the Arcade list.


Collect 20 pieces of litter in Kinzville

Wander around Kinzville and look for the pieces of litter. You may need to switch to “over the shoulder” view to see any that spawn between the buildings. If you’re having trouble finding them, try leaving Kinzville and coming back — that will force them to respawn.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



13 Responses to Season 26 Guide – Week 4

  1. Twistersmom says:

    I go to my pets click on babies It shows my baby, click on said baby and it show Play with baby or Grow baby but no send baby to Day care what am I doing wrong.

  2. gionfrid says:

    FYI, the picture shows that the topical spa set can be placed on top of the oasis coffee table BUT it doesn’t work when I try it. Also the oasis wall paper doesn’t allow windows! Windows are blank when you put them in. Please, please fix these things. Thanks!

    • sally says:

      The wallpaper issue has been passed on. Try turning on Advanced Editing for decorating. It’s under the Options menu at the top right.

      • boston999 says:

        Thank you so much for passing on the wallpaper issue! I went on and my advanced editing was on so I clicked if off and clicked it on again. The tropical spa set still could not be placed on top of the oasis coffee table. I moved the table and tried again–still could not be placed. Thanks so much for taking care of these things! : )

  3. hiphophipposrule says:

    Just want to let Webkinz know the challenge is not awarding points for the games played.

  4. blackball says:

    Very sad to see the day care challenge AGAIN How many babies are we too make?

    • adatins says:

      I find that if I get the five daily items regularly, and finish most of the other challenges, I don’t even need to do the day care challenge. My baby is no longer eligible for day care, and am not ready to get a new baby just for those challenges.

  5. BH1464 says:

    I played every day for the first two weeks and some of the third week, then I was somehow booted out of Next and have been trying to log back in every day. Several times a day. Yesterday it loaded the log in screen and let me log in only to freeze up then boot me out of Next again after less than 5 minutes of playing time and I haven’t been able to get the log in screen to load again to try to log in and play since. I really wish the gremlins in my computer would go bother someone else for a while.

    • adatins says:

      I get kicked out very often when harvesting produce or collecting dailys at my house. Very frustrating getting kicked out, but your getting kicked out and not being able to log in is different and sounds much, much worse. : (

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