Season 27 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

Lovely Leaves is our 27th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the daily and week 1 tasks.




  • Feed one of your pets
  • Give a baby a teddy
  • Put your pet to bed
  • Collect a Cappuccino from the Cafe
  • Play a game of Zingoz Bingoz at the Arcade


Feed one of your pets

Drag some food to your pet each day! You can feed a grown up or kid pet — giving a baby a bottle doesn’t count for this task.


Give a baby a teddy

Tap on any baby crib and then tap the teddy bear icon to have your baby play with the teddy. This can be a friend’s baby if you don’t have your own.


Put your pet to bed

Tap on any bed to have your pet lie down and sleep!


Collect a Cappuccino from the Cafe

Head to Kinzville and tap on the Cafe. Tap on the Cappuccino Machine to collect your free daily Chocolate Cappuccino.


Play a game of Zingoz Bingoz at the Arcade

Head to the Arcade and tap on an Arcade machine to bring up the games. (If you’re still having trouble with this, just keep trying different machines.) Choose Zingoz Bingoz from the list. You only need to play one of the three boards to satisfy this task — the 1-ball Zingoz Bingoz game will award some Diamonds when you win, while the 2-ball and 3-ball award KinzCash.


Week 1


  • Get to level 4 in Arte’s Adventure
  • Earn 200 KinzCash playing Atomicolicious
  • Harvest 5 pumpkins from the Farmer’s Plot
  • Buy 2 Growable Pumpkin Seeds
  • Invite a friend over three different days
  • Collect 10 pieces of Slag from the Gem Mines
  • Take your baby on the swings 3 times
  • Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy
  • Cook Cream of Pumpkin Soup 3 times on the Stove
  • Feed your pet 3 Pumpkin Soups cooked on the Stove

Get to level 4 in Arte’s Adventure

Head to the Arcade and choose Arte’s Adventure from the game list. This one can be quite tricky, but with practice you will master it! The main things to keep in mind is timing — in level 2, the rains will cause the water level to rise. If you’re too fast, you may end up getting stuck waiting for the waters to recede at the end. You’ll want to pace yourself so that the waters go down before you reach the final platform. In level 3, if you haven’t mastered jumping onto the tree mushrooms, now is the time to master it. You’ll want to aim just about vertically to hop up onto the mushroom. Watch out for the bees!


Earn 200 KinzCash playing Atomicolicious

Head to the Arcade and choose Atomicolicious from the list. Play against Sparky or a random player and earn 200 KinzCash to satisfy this task. You don’t have to win the games for them to count. If you’re having trouble with the PVP version (no one shows up or it doesn’t load), stick to PVP.


Buy 2 Growable Pumpkin Seeds

Buy 2 growable pumpkin seeds — either from the W Shop or from the Farmer’s Market. You’ll want to plant at least one of these in your Farmer’s Plot!


Harvest 5 pumpkins from the Farmer’s Plot

Make sure you have at least one Pumpkin in the Farmer’s Plot. You’ll need to harvest it 5 times — there’s a chance it will harvest more than 1 in a single tap, but this is counting individual harvest taps, not total number of pumpkins.


Cook Cream of Pumpkin Soup 3 times on the Stove

Once you’ve harvested some pumpkins, time to cook on a stove! You’ll need some materials from the Material Pick Pack and some Milk from the W Shop, as well.


Feed your pet 3 Pumpkin Soups cooked on the Stove

Once you’ve cooked those pumpkins, time to feed them to your pet! It can be the same pet or different ones.

Invite a friend over three different days

Tap on the friends center and choose someone from your friend center to invite over. Do this on three different days. Your friend does NOT have to accept for this task to count.


Collect 10 pieces of Slag from the Gem Mines

Head to the Gem Mines and tap on shining rocks to collect some Slag! Avoid pets with high mining skill, if you can.


Take your baby on the swings 3 times

You’ll need your own baby for this task. Tap on a stroller and take your baby to the Baby Park. Tap on the swings. You’ll need to do this on three different days.


Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy

Head to the Academy and take the daily classtime — at the end, answer the Pop Quiz. You’ll need to get an A on four different occasions to satisfy this task.

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