Mandy Webkinz’ baby portrait!



I love to paint and I LOVE painting Webkinz! So I decided to trying painting one of my sweet Next babies, Pebble!



In the past you may have seen some of my other pieces. There is a Wacky sculpture I made for Michael over ten years ago!





Also a painting of one of our early plush pets, the St. Bernard.




And of course a plush Pot-Bellied Pig!





Do you like drawing, painting or creating art? We would love to see YOUR Webkinz artwork! If you have a piece of artwork based on your Webkinz, please consider sharing it on social media and tagging us along with the hashtag #WebkinzArt. We are so proud of our talented Webkinz community so let’s show off our work!



Tell us in the comments, have you ever created a piece of artwork based on Webkinz?




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29 Responses to Mandy Webkinz’ baby portrait!

  1. creek4kids says:

    Nice! Lovely burnt sienna. Are these oil paints or water-mixable oil paints?

  2. vacant2007 says:

    I should remember to draw my Webkinz pets! I love digital art.

  3. rachelgirl193 says:

    I still need to sew a Wacky plushy. I have already bought the fleece, but not sure if I can create the right shape.

  4. BeezKneez says:

    Hi Mandy – you are so talented! Thank you for sharing your artwork with us – I love the Wacky Sculpture but the paintings are just amazing. I enlarged each image to better appreciate the details of your art. The texture of the Pig’s plush fabric and the St. Bernard, especially those string cloth ears!! The sequin detail of the Next baby really seem to sparkle. I feel I could touch the photos and really imagine feeling the real plush toys – I miss them so much. I can only draw stick figures and block houses with curly smoke out the chimney, so please believe the happy feelings and big smile you gave me. Thanks for sharing and I would love to see more if you have them. :-D

  5. smittenkitten420 says:

    I love these, I made digital art of my seal a long time ago now it’s one of my favourite pieces, I should make more, especially with my sparked pets on Next!

  6. miamama says:

    Fantastic! Love them!

  7. stinkypete says:

    These are so good! I love it

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