Take a Look at some Incredible Webkinz Collections

We’ve loved looking at your contest submissions!

On March 1st we asked you to show us your Webkinz Collection for a chance to win a signed Arte Trading Card, signed by Webkinz Creative Director Karl Borst, the voice of Arte!
While the contest is open until March 31 and we’re still reviewing submissions, we thought we’d share just a few of the incredible collections that you’ve shared with us.
For more information on how YOU can participate, check out the full contest details.

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21 Responses to Take a Look at some Incredible Webkinz Collections

  1. ringneck1 says:

    I miss the unique style of the O.G plushies. I honestly wouldn’t mind collecting a few, nevermind if their codes were intact. Just so cute!

  2. bigkidathart says:

    I have donated the majority of mine to Christmas programs at soup kitchens. The kids all love stuffed animals, and Webkinz stuffies are super soft and very cute! It was fulfilling to know they will be getting love and hugs from some very happy children! :)

  3. stinkypete says:

    Such an awesome look into people’s collection! I only have 6 rn, but can’t wait to have a bigger collection!

  4. bertnelson says:

    Awesome collections!

  5. mfaull says:

    Oh my goodness. There are some serious collectors out there, especially the room with the shelving and the Webkinz rug!!

  6. frizzler80 says:

    Wow! that is amazing.

  7. junco13 says:

    I’m waiting for a robin and bluejay to arrive in the mail and then I’m going to set my collection up for photos! These collections you have shared are simply amazing! My hope is that the Webkinz Classic game continues for the rest of my life! LOL

  8. dramaprincess05 says:

    Like my cousin, I removed the tags and donated my pets.

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