Something Old, Something New…


Hey Everyone! Nibbles here. Can you believe Plumpy’s wedding is coming up in only 15 days? I can’t wait to be a bridesmaid! Anyway, I was talking to Plumpy today and she realized: she needs something old and something new, something borrowed and something blue. It’s a tradition in our family! So we went through the list.

First, the old: she’s going to wear my grandma’s dress, so that definitely counts.

Next, something new: she has brand new earrings – whew!

Something borrowed: I told Plumpy she could borrow my lucky rock. She said she’d tuck it under the sash on the dress.

Finally, something blue: This one took us a minute, but then Plumpy realized: she’s the blue! So it looks like everything is all ready! I can’t wait for the big day!

33 Responses to Something Old, Something New…

  1. Miss Perfect (001rainbow) says:


  2. meandwebkinz says:

    I thought you were using the dress from the contest?

  3. fr3d420 says:

    I am so excited for this wedding & to see Plumpy in her dress!! [[freddy]]

  4. cocoa737148 says:

    SUPER EXITING!!! tottaly gonna be there! but anyway, good luck Plumpy!

  5. powerpuffgirlfan says:

    Omg!!! That is cool Nibbles! I hope Plumpy will have fun on her wedding! :mrgreen: ~powerpuffgirlsfan~

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    Lol Plumpy is the blue!!!!!!

  7. CHA!!! says:

    Thank goodness Plumpy’s blue! If she wasn’t , she could use the sky. It would be there for the best part , the grand exit! She could also decorate with blue flowers!

  8. j3gnight2011 says:

    I hope Plumpy has so much fun at this wedding! I hope nibbles has fun too! It is coming WAY too fast! >>j3gnight2011<<

  9. PrincessLuna4Ever says:

    Good thing that’s taken care of! ~()PL4Ever()~

  10. Princess of Piano says:

    Wait a minute… I thought Plumpy was going to wear the pink and white wedding dress, or is she wearing her grandmother’s dress at the reception? I can’t wait for the big day! :D

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