March Candy Kinz Pet Introductory Special!

March Candy Kinz Introductory Special!
Sugar Rush Butterfly: 10,000 eStore Points March 1st ONLY!

The Sugar Rush Butterfly is a Candy ‘Kinz pet who is always on the go! This pretty pet comes with a Super Sugar Swing that is sure to be a popular ride in your Candy Town room! Don’t forget to feed your Butterfly a Sweet Nectar Slushy everyday!

Webkinz Candy Kinz Sugar Rush Butterfly Webkinz Candy Kinz Sugar Rush Butterfly Webkinz Candy Kinz Sugar Rush Butterfly
Sugar Rush Butterfly Super Sugar Swing Sweet Nectar Slushy

New to Candy Kinz?

Feast your eyes on the Candy Kinz Collection available exclusively to Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers!

Webkinz Candy Kinz Webkinz Candy Kinz
Your Pets can work away in the
Candy Factory room
Or… just chill out in the creamy, chocolaty goodness of the Candy Town room!

Each month, Ganz eStore will feature a new Candy Kinz Pet, whose special item is one piece of this exclusive theme that you can’t get anywhere else! Special items such as Waffle Bowl Mixers, Gourmet Cupcake Makers, Sprawling Candy Plants, Cupcake Forklifts, Hot Fudge Willow Trees and more all await Deluxe Webkinz members who adopt a Candy Kinz pet each month in 2011! Look for complementary Candy Kinz pieces at W-Shop and Ganz eStore as well!

In January, we introduced the first Pet of the
Candy Kinz series… the Polar Gummy

Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy
Polar Gummy Chocolate Coin Pond Gummy Honey on Toast

In February, Candy Kinz pets continued to arrive in
Webkinz World with the Rock Candy Croc

Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc
Rock Candy Croc Rock Around the Croc Clock Hard Candy Cone

What Candy Kinz pet will be next?
Stay tuned for more sugary goodness!
It’s confection perfection!

See these pets and more all at Ganz eStore!
Please note: Each Candy Kinz Pet comes with one unique Special Item.

126 Responses to March Candy Kinz Pet Introductory Special!

  1. Anonymous says:

    OOOOOOOOOOweeeeeeee! That thar looks like a mighty fine webber kin! I wonder if pa will let me sign up to the sight and one of them thar uhhhh………..webber kin sugary rushin buetter flies! That reminds me, gotta go feed them thar pigs in the cern fieldy parts! Piggy SUEIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

  2. EMILEEABBY says:

    I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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