Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. |
Adventure Park Peek-A-Newz Promotion
159 Responses to Adventure Park Peek-A-Newz Promotion
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The cave shirt, cloud dress, and diving helmet are so rare that with one account and 16 days there is no chance to complete any outfit. What is the point of making the outfits impossible to complete unless you have 20+ accounts? This seems really silly and unfair. Please increase the odds on getting the rare items or better yet make all the pieces the same. It is no fun to only have half of each outfit. We want to be able to put all the pieces together and at this rate that will never happen. Please do something before it is too late.
Why is it sooooo hard to get a dress, or shirt, or helmet??? How are we suppose to complete an outfit when one piece is rarely given out???
HI trying this write you the deets later please be my friend sophiacottoncandy thanks
i think this is fun ive already won two things!
this is fun
i can never find her. anyone who wants to be my friend i am googleg08.bye:)
i have 2 parks
i love these clothes!
Where do you look for Reberta ive tried and tried i never find her please help…..
gotta love webkinz