Choose Your Own Story – Alex and Sparky Help







Choose Your Own Story – Alex and Sparky Help

Booger knew he could count on Alex and Sparky, so he decided to confide in them. When he explained about the robot he had created at Space Camp and how the modifications he had made had backfired – to say the least – they were incredulous.

“I need your help! I have no idea how I’m going to stop it!” Booger cried to his friends.

The three boys ran back into Booger’s house. As they neared his bedroom they could see a thin haze of smoke emitting from the door. Booger put his hand up to stop his friends. “Ssh!” he whispered. “It can sense movement.” Sparky and Alex looked at each other with wide eyes. They were starting to get nervous. It was one thing to IMAGINE a rogue robot, but to be standing here in a cloud of smoke outside Booger’s room was another thing altogether.

Booger crept slowly up to the door. He leaned back against the wall and then reached forward and with one hand slowly pushed the door open. There was silence from inside the room. The three boys looked at each other and then, one by one, they each poked their heads around the door frame. The robot lay in the same position Booger had left it – on its back in the middle of his bedroom floor. The top of its head looked black and scorched but otherwise it was unremarkable. It lay perfectly still and the light had gone out of its eyes.

Sparky let out his breath in a rush. “You really got us that time, Booger.”

“What?” cried Booger.  “No, really! It was –”

“Yeah, good one, Booger.” Alex concurred. “A killer robot – I can’t believe we fell for that!” Alex and Sparky laughed.

Booger stared at the robot in disbelief. “But, but – it was really shooting lasers and trying to attack me! Look at the hole in my wall!” He shouted to them as they headed out the front door.

“Yeah right, Boog! That thing is a real menace.” Sparky said with a grin. “Listen, we’ve gotta run. ‘Kinz crew meeting.”

“Thanks for the laugh, Booger. We owe you one!” Alex called as the door shut behind him.

After the boys had gone, Booger slumped down on the floor of his room to examine the robot. As he turned it over in his hands he realized that its batteries must have simply run out. He couldn’t believe it. And since he didn’t ever want to activate this thing again, he realized that probably, no one else was ever going to believe it either.

Booger stood up to throw the robot in the trash and out his bedroom window he spotted the odd piece of metal, still lying in his backyard. He decided to check it out. But as Booger walked down the hall to the door, he realized that the door to Goober’s lab was still ajar. Booger paused in front of it. He was still itching to go into the lab and get a start on his rocket.

If you think Booger should enter Goober’s lab, click here.

If you think Booger should go and see what’s in the backyard, click here.

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