10 Days Left of Kidcore!

Kidcore Season ends in 10 days!

How is your Season going? How many of these prizes for your home have you already collected? Tell us in the comments.

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5 Responses to 10 Days Left of Kidcore!

  1. sunflowers2024 says:

    No way can I afford the pass but I do love the free items. THANKS

  2. kboles15 says:

    I can’t complete some of the challenges because I can’t dig for gems. I have sent a message through the help button at least three times.

    • Steve_Webkinz says:

      The issue is most likely that you have an unresolved gem to keep or sell. Click on Amanda Panda before going into the mines and let her know if you want to keep or sell the gem you have, then you should be able to search the mines normally again.

  3. megamom12 says:

    I’m nearly done, and I set up the room yesterday. It’s so cute!

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