It was almost impossible to choose!
We’ve seen so many gorgeous babies in the Baby Showcase this year, choosing 10 highlights was a near-impossible task.
Here are 10 eye-catching babies from 2024 and if you’re looking for more, be sure to check out our archive of weekly baby showcases.
This Cocker Spaniel’s adorable back pattern performs a little peek-a-boo on the pet’s face. The two-tone natural pattern is chicly accented by pink glitter paws. This pooch is SPAN-tastic!
Neon swirls, dark moody body color, purple hues around the eyes—this sloth’s look is anything but lazy. The glowing paws and beautiful chest gradient are marshy, reptilian and, yet, perfect for this furry pet.
This glammed-up Teapot Yorkie is likely stealing hearts in Kinzville as we speak. The light eyebrows atop a bright body color highlight those puppy eyes. What a beau-TEA-ful baby!
A pink frog with pink feathers is just too cute. The yellow accents and chest pattern give a nice spring-glow to this pet. This froggy was born hoppin’!
Blue, blue, green and checkered feet—this river otter is a smashing, monochromatic cutie. That little snail Pet Patch really pops!
Huskies with unusual face markings always stand out in such a beautiful way. Its purple-ish hue is a gorgeous match for those Pixie Tiger feathers.
An Icy Timberwolf with the cutest dark eyes and a stunning dark back pattern. There’s something about its grey paws that’s so soothing and grand. Can you see the ear texture? It’s gorgeous!
These are the perfect Halloween colors for the Vampire Kitten! The orange face pattern with bright pink eyes is such a unique combination.
Absolutely legendary. Yellow spots, turquoise wings, purple eyes, a pink body—-this pet’s look touches on every color!
Say goodbye to unicorn horns. Dragon horns are IN for 2025! The dark gradient on this pet’s bottom matches the back of its horns. Now THAT’S chic.
We can’t wait to see these babies and all of your 2024 babies hanging out in Kinzville in 2025!
Are there any babies from this selection that stand out to you? Please tell us in the comments.
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Aw, they’re all super cute babies! I love the little pink frog with the pixie tiger feathers, and and also the pink dragon. :)
The neon sloth and pink pixie frog are so cool! Congrats to everyone who sparked a great pet this year!
Wow Fire Shadowglow and anyone lucky enough to get a stunningly beauTEAful blue teacup yorkie! It did steal my heart and put a huge smile on my face. My second favourite is that funny but sooo cute pink frog with matching pink feather-head! Its hard not to laugh at any frogs expression but adding that cuteness is fabulous! I really liked all of the Best of 2024′s pets and congrats to the owners. I’m not sure how they were picked as I’ve seen others more wonderful; however, I think that’s just because of my own personal preferences to some pets. Congrats again, thank you for giving me a wonderful start to the New Year in Webkinz world, and Happy New Year to everyone!
I like your choices, Dorothy Lou, although I must say that there is a shocking lack of bunnies! We need more in 2025 :)