Season 30 Guide – Week 3

Age of Magic is our 30th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the week 3 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks. Click here for the week 2 tasks.


Week 3


  • Collect 20 Candy Canes around Kinzville
  • Beat 4 levels of Smoothie Moves
  • Get an A on any hard class in the Kinzville Academy
  • Get a Score of 100+ in Cake It Up
  • Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge
  • Buy a Winter Wonderland Sofa from the W Shop
  • Sell 10 Crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market
  • Sell an Uncommon gem to Amanda Panda
  • Feed your pet 5 Chocolate Cappuccinos from the Cafe
  • Open 5 Material Pick Packs


Collect 20 Candy Canes around Kinzville

Look for the candy canes scattered around Kinzville and walk over them to pick them up! Nothing goes into your dock, but you will see progress on the task.

Beat 4 levels of Smoothie Moves

Head to the Arcade, tap on an Arcade unit, and select Smoothie Moves from the list. I find level 3 sometimes gives me trouble, but I can usually get to level 5 without much trouble.

Get an A on any hard class in the Kinzville Academy

If you’re still getting your Spelling classes, might as well see if you can get an A on a hard class! Running is the hardest for me, but I can get an A in just about any other class — even Music!

Get a Score of 100+ in Cake It Up

Head to the Arcade, tap on an Arcade unit, and select Cake It Up from the list. This is definitely a tough one, but with practice you can improve your score. If you get really good at it, why not go for the trophy? You’ll earn that by getting a score of 150!

Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge

Head to the Arcade and tap on Sparky to see his challenge. Score higher than him to win a poster.

Buy a Winter Wonderland Sofa from the W Shop

Add some winter cheer to your house. You can find this is in the W Shop under Room Themes -> Winter.


Sell 10 Crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market

Head to the Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays! Tap on Farmer Will to see what he’s buying that day and sell at least 10 crops in any combination to complete this task. If you need to do this over multiple visits, that’s also fine.


Sell an Uncommon gem to Amanda Panda

Hunt for gems! If you get an uncommon one, sell it to Amanda Panda to complete this task. You can check out the Gem Mining Guide to see which of your gems is uncommon.


Feed your pet 5 Chocolate Cappuccinos from the Cafe

Visit the Cafe each day to get a Chocolate Cappuccino. Feed five of these to your pet to satisfy this task. If you’ve got a bunch stockpiled, you can complete this task right away.

Open 5 Material Pick Packs

Collect Material Pick Packs from the vending machine outside of the Curio Shop. Drag them into your room and then tap on them to open them. You can select any material.

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4 Responses to Season 30 Guide – Week 3

  1. noodle21 says:

    I wish there was a tab in Webkinz Newz for the season guide so players can reference it whenever and not have to scroll down or wait for them to post it.

  2. winkydinky says:

    I’m getting so frustrated with finding slag. When it’s a challenge, it’s very hard to come by. Middle of week three, I go every day and I have about 1/4 of what is needed. Is it just me, or is it harder to find slag when it’s included in a weekly challenge? It could easily be one of those tasks I just start to skip.

  3. rachelgirl192 says:

    I have the impression that the colours in the mines are better visible again? Yay.

    • bobme248 says:

      I thought so too. But I also changed computers (notebook to desktop) since I’m back home; so I wasn’t sure. I also think (and I could be totally wrong) that the ore piles without gems are now showing a lot more non-gem pieces and that those with gems might be showing less of the gem pieces so that you really have to get a bit closer to see if it’s a gem pile or not.

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