4 Recess Prizes Retiring Aug. 1st!


Four recess prizes will be retiring on midnight, August 1 (EST). There’s still time to try and get them though, since you need to sign up your pet for fifteen full days of classes at the Kinzville Academy, to unlock recess (achieve a full day of class by signing your pet up for three classes in one day).


The following Merry Go Round wheel prizes will be retiring on August 1:



The following Buried Treasure game prizes will be retiring on August 1:



Do you already own these prizes? Let us know in the comment section below…


58 Responses to 4 Recess Prizes Retiring Aug. 1st!

  1. Tabbito76 says:

    If anyone has any plush, I´ll thank you a lot. It would make me very happy. My acount is Tabbito

  2. pinkbluerainbowgirl says:

    I am also in need of a science station and librarian’s desk if anyone still has extras! It’s kind of sad they’ve been retiring so many prizes recently. -pinkbluerainbowgirl

  3. kayrocker says:

    In search of Librarian’s Desk, Lab Goggles, and Plush!c Username is Calla87

  4. chloe1015 says:

    If anyone needs a friend let me no my user name is Chloe1015 I would be happy to have a new friend.

  5. mamabeart says:

    I have several extra science stations, library desks, and safety goggles. Also one plush. Respond below telling me which one you need, send me a friend request (mamabeart), and I’ll give them away on a first come, first served basis!

  6. jammershark9127 says:

    Does anyone have an extra pair of the lab goggles?? If so, I would appreciate them :) jammershark on WW

  7. Gamerdude58 says:

    If anyone has the science station or lab goggles and wouldn’t mind parting with them, my username is beachbumm5! I’d greatly appreciate it as I don’t have either of these items!

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