A Sparkling Surprise in the Gnome of Love

Unfortunately, we were unable to have our Spark Party as planned, but it will be rescheduled! Stay tuned for further details.

A Special Gift at the Valentine’s Spark Party!

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we’re adding a touch of love to Webkinz Next with our Valentine’s Spark Party! This year, we’ve planned something extra special that will make your hearts flutter.


What’s a Valentine’s celebration without a token of love? This year, we’re thrilled to announce that every user who attends the Valentine’s Spark Party for a total of five minutes will receive a special gift—-a Valentine’s Crystal Gnome.

The Valentine’s Crystal Gnome is a unique item that perfectly captures the holiday. Place it in any room to infuse your home with love.


To receive the gift, users must stay at the party for at least five minutes, which do not need to be consecutive. Users who stay to the end of the party can claim their gift right away. Users who leave the party early will be awarded their gift automatically after a slight delay.


The Valentine’s Spark Party will be on Friday, February 14th at 3:30-4:30 p.m. (EST). Meet Sally, Mandy and Dorothy Lou in the adoption center and click “Join Now” to attend the party.
Will we see YOU there?



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114 Responses to A Sparkling Surprise in the Gnome of Love

  1. LadyBeauty says:

    Is Webkinz Next still undergoing maintenance? It is now after 4 pm and I’m almost out of time to be able to play in Next for the day. It was supposed to be updated by 1 pm, 3 hours ago! Does anyone know what the cause is for this major delay? LadyBeauty

  2. birdfolks says:

    Is there going to be a rare Valentine pet this year like the xmas cat?

  3. birdfolks says:

    Hearts and adoption: It said use pets red and pink for the spark party, well I know what red but is the off color common pet the pink pet rarity one to use?

  4. leaveitnow41s says:

    Awe Sweet! Thank you! Btw, any idea when Next will be back up today. Says after 1p.m Eastern but it’s after 3p.m Eastern now.

  5. Alleycats2012 says:

    While I love the idea of exclusive gifts I think tying them to a spark party is really rough. I personally now have to figure out how to readjust my work schedule or run off to hide in the bathroom in order to get this item since the spark party is during my work/school day… really wish spark parties were later in the day or on weekends so that more kids and adults could attend.

    • beerfeet says:

      True! I don’t get off work until 5 o’clock. I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to do that since I work in an office and can’t just sneak out to get a special gift from the spark party. Also, I was hoping to spark the dragon that I just grew. Please consider making the party last until 6 PM.

  6. KarenaJ says:

    I will add it to my calendar :)

  7. cocoa99 says:

    I would like to know how long after 1 pm will we be able to go into webkinz next today 2 11 25 it is after 3 pm and still not able to get into next

  8. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, so cute- thank you! I’ll be there- hoping to spark a rare dragon baby. :)

  9. doingpeachy says:

    can we get a valentine pet at the adoption center

  10. 100dogs says:

    That’s cool thank you so much See you there.

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