A Sparkling Surprise in the Gnome of Love

Unfortunately, we were unable to have our Spark Party as planned, but it will be rescheduled! Stay tuned for further details.

A Special Gift at the Valentine’s Spark Party!

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we’re adding a touch of love to Webkinz Next with our Valentine’s Spark Party! This year, we’ve planned something extra special that will make your hearts flutter.


What’s a Valentine’s celebration without a token of love? This year, we’re thrilled to announce that every user who attends the Valentine’s Spark Party for a total of five minutes will receive a special gift—-a Valentine’s Crystal Gnome.

The Valentine’s Crystal Gnome is a unique item that perfectly captures the holiday. Place it in any room to infuse your home with love.


To receive the gift, users must stay at the party for at least five minutes, which do not need to be consecutive. Users who stay to the end of the party can claim their gift right away. Users who leave the party early will be awarded their gift automatically after a slight delay.


The Valentine’s Spark Party will be on Friday, February 14th at 3:30-4:30 p.m. (EST). Meet Sally, Mandy and Dorothy Lou in the adoption center and click “Join Now” to attend the party.
Will we see YOU there?



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114 Responses to A Sparkling Surprise in the Gnome of Love

  1. puppyluv9063 says:

    I can’t log in for the sparks party, it is an endless loading window. My daughter’s account loaded, but it just shows the line for a second, then the screen goes blank and just shows the backdrop for sparking. No pets or anything. I am not sure what is happening?

  2. wk2nd says:

    So went to spark party got kicked out before it started and now I can’t get back in. I i hope you will just give us the Gnome. PLEASE.

  3. Demongirl10 says:

    I am desperately trying to log on so I can join/get this prize but next won’t let me :(

  4. spootyquackers says:

    agreed the timing is difficult to schedule, ive never been to a spark party,and i am excited for that gnome! i was thinking maybe to make the prize more accessible for more players it could be stationed like a go to spot or special vacation spot and id even buy a ticket maybe

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I agree with this. I just feel like it also should be available for a larger time window as well to allow more people to get it as well as to prevent the servers from being overloaded.

  5. strawberrycream12 says:

    Oh how fun!! I already love the sparks parties, and this adds to the fun!:)

  6. beerfeet says:

    I really want this sweetheart of a gift and I would like to spark a new baby dragon, but I don’t get off of work until 5 o’clock. I wish you could extend the time until six or schedule a second party.

  7. kalcan8 says:

    Awwwww… this little guy is so cute! He looks great by the Shire fireplace! (I would name him Kili.) Thank you for the opportunity to get a special gift for Valentine’s day. Thank you also for making the Spark Party a little later in the day. I know that there is no time that will work best for every player, but if you keep trying different time blocks (particularly later) the event might be accessible to more players. I am sure that you all need to work the event around your work schedules as well. I can’t imagine, “Sorry family! I won’t be home for bathtime and stories at bedtime tonight because we are having a Spark Party at work!” would go over very well with your families. I definitely understand. We appreciate any and all time that you spend with the fans, and we are thankful for the times that it works with our schedules and we get to join in the fun. Barring an emergency, I hope to see you there on Friday!

  8. hlfbkdfae says:

    Do you have to spark any pets to get this or is it if you are just at the party in general?

  9. raggedyann1968 says:

    Ok what is going on with next?? I keep trying to get on and I can’t.

  10. netg2 says:

    The update to Webkinz Next has caused the curser to disappear when you go to click on most of the items. It is a nightmare when trying to harvest vegetables or click on anything, as you can’t see to be accurate with it. Please sort this out, as it makes playing very hard when you can’t see what you’re doing. Also, saying you have to attend the spark party for the gift discriminates against those of us not on EST, who live in other parts of the world. Please reconsider the need to attend and award it to all players. It’s bad enough that we are unable to purchase rare redemption pets or any plush, as you don’t ship outside the US. I would like to buy the Panda, but can’t.

    • rachelgirl192 says:

      I wanted to write mor or less the same: The curser disappearing is so annoying, especially in the mines. Please fix that. And I have the same problem with the spark party and the time zone.

    • jkleemom says:

      same issues was not a fan of the new gardening to begin with this makes it a nightmare.

    • Zooooooz says:

      This issue was fixed for me after I uppdated the app :)

      • rachelgirl192 says:

        I was surprised to read that the cursor problem was fixed for some people, so I logged out and closed the app (desktop), then tried to open, it told me I have to download new assets (once again), and when I went to the Microsoft store, it told me that there was an error and it deleted the app altogether. Now when I try to re-install, it won’t let me. Not amused.

    • raysgirl16 says:

      You can always figure the time difference from where you are at, to EST I live is PST so I can minus 3 hours from my time to get EST.

      • netg says:

        Unfortunately, I am plus 5 hours ahead of EST, so many of the things that are timed, make it difficult for me to participate due to other obligations or take place when I am in bed asleep.

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