A Special Message to our Members!

Ganz is proud to announce that starting on January 19th, 2011, Webkinz World accounts will no longer expire.

That’s right, from January 19th on, when your Full Membership ends, you will be able to continue to play with all of your pets, items and rooms! While some features will be limited to Full and Deluxe Members, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite arcade games and daily activities and use many of the great features that Webkinz has to offer.

Better yet, we’re making this change to accounts past and present! Any account that has expired in the past year will be opened again! Know someone who hasn’t played in a while? Let them know that on January 19th they’ll be able to log in! All of their pets will be there waiting for them!

We have lots of great improvements and surprises in store for 2011 so there’s never been a better time to “Come In and Play!”

247 Responses to A Special Message to our Members!

  1. Kaitlyn says:

    Now my BFF Hannah can play agin awsome.

  2. I am a PriFullGill says:

    The new no expiring accounts is cool…but what’s the catch??? Is there anything special for those who already have an active account? Do we get special features like the Deluxe do??? Will we still have the same thing as what we have now? Will there be more features for those of us who still have an active account?

    Thanks for listening!

  3. MEGAN says:


  4. AWesome says:

    Ganz this is awesome! So super awesome! Now if you guys can make a Signature Bat, I will be one super happy camper and I will buy it and I’m sure others will too. So please please make a Signature Bat :)

  5. SignatureBat says:

    Thanks Ganz! This is a really awesome and generous thing to do for your members :) You guys rock!

  6. liam says:

    Thank you! My account is expiring Oct. 9 2011. Now it is never expiring! I will be 60 and still play Webkinz! THANK YOU GANZ!

  7. Webkinzlovr11 says:

    wow!Thanks ganz.this is great,great,great!

  8. oakwine says:

    So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Layla says:

    That is so great!Can you give us a list of the stuff you can do with an expired account VS. Full VS. dexlue?

  10. Wondering says:

    What about the Welcome Back codes?

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