Acorn Collection Event—Survey


How was your experience earning prizes in both games? 


In September 2023, for the first time ever, the Acorn Collection Event awarded prizes in BOTH Webkinz Classic and Webkinz Next!


If you earned prizes in the Acorn Collection Event in Classic, the same prize have been added to your dock in Webkinz Next.



We’d love to create more events that award prizes in both games but first its important that we hear from you!


How was your experience with the Acorn Collection Event? Did you collect both sets of prizes? Please tell us in the comments.




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125 Responses to Acorn Collection Event—Survey

  1. DanceKinz says:

    I enjoyed this event. Especially that the prizes were sent to my Next account.

  2. HorseInTheDessert says:

    It was fun & worked for me, but I see others were struggling with it so you should consider that too.

  3. sweetiepiesix says:

    Things went well for me. I received prizes in both Webkinz. Loved it because I do not have much money in Next.

  4. nmadderom02 says:

    I rarely play next, but I did check along the way and saw that I did received the prizes in my next account. That was a pretty cool thing! Would love to see it again!

  5. prxc says:

    i was 1 acorn off from the fireplace. rip.

  6. crystalfawns53 says:

    I think it’s a decent concept, but I found it really hard trying to juggle my time playing between Webkinz and Next. I really appreciated that everyone on my friend’s list was really kind in sending me acorns and leaves though, which really helped me earn the rewards.

  7. lakevillegrandma says:

    I don’t have Next, so that part doesn’t apply to me, but I thought the acorn collecting event in Classic was great. I always do it multiple times on the accounts I use the most. My two Deluxe accounts completed it three times, and two of my free accounts completed it twice. I don’t have a Friendly Froggy themed room yet, but I think the pieces we won could look great in many types of rooms. Great job!

  8. iamawebkinzmom2 says:

    I loved the acorn event. The prizes were great. I just wish you could collect more each day.

  9. sjcf says:

    I don’t really play next, but it was super cool to log on and they just be there and be able to have the same items since we cannot have the same pets etc.

  10. BH1464 says:

    I always enjoy the acorn event. This year it was even better because of the chance to get the prizes on both accounts. I’m not sure if I got the items on my Next account as I was only able to sign in to Next once or twice during/after the acorn event and did not have time to search for the items in my dock. I hope it worked correctly and I also hope you do more of these crossover events in the future where you can earn prizes in both games. I also hope you guys will add the rest of the Friendly Froggy theme to Next. (Since it’s missing quite a few items.) On a different note regarding the collection events. Most of the time when I click on the icon on my map and ask my friends for acorns/whatever is being collected, I do NOT receive my 2 free acorns for the day as a Deluxe player. The only way I get my 2 free daily acorns is if I click the icon on the map just to check my status and do not request anything from my friends. Then I wait a while and go back to my map and click on the icon again to ask for items from my friends. It’s very frustrating to have to remember to do it this way. If I forget and click on the map icon and immediately click to “ask friends” I have lost the opportunity to collect my 2 free items for that day. Then it takes me longer (as a Deluxe member) to complete my collection than it does for a free player to complete theirs. Please look into this and if possible, fix this issue. Thanks.

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