Acorn Collection Event—Survey


How was your experience earning prizes in both games? 


In September 2023, for the first time ever, the Acorn Collection Event awarded prizes in BOTH Webkinz Classic and Webkinz Next!


If you earned prizes in the Acorn Collection Event in Classic, the same prize have been added to your dock in Webkinz Next.



We’d love to create more events that award prizes in both games but first its important that we hear from you!


How was your experience with the Acorn Collection Event? Did you collect both sets of prizes? Please tell us in the comments.




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125 Responses to Acorn Collection Event—Survey

  1. 7debbie7 says:

    Love, Love Love The Acorn Collecting Event! Thanks Ganz.

  2. leaveitnow41s says:

    I was very excited to have the prizes sent to Next. Please do more of these crossover events

  3. netg3 says:

    I did both Classic and Next. Would have liked longer in Next to collect the items, the time was a bit short. I definitely like the items from Classic going to Next and would like to see more of that, Also more items being sent to Classic as well; particularly the tent fort from the recipes, as it is great, but so disappointed I can’t send it to Classic.

  4. alicatjunction says:

    The items were very cute and the mechanics of the event incentivize playing every day. Some of the collection events I just don’t bother with if I don’t like the prizes, but this one had very awesome prizes so I participated. I really like the expansion of a pre-existing theme with new items. My favorite of the prizes was the stove; I really like how it has a tea kettle on one of the burners!

  5. tjb2009 says:

    I always love collection events. The grand prize is always something really neat. Added surprise by having items transfer. Thank you. P.S. I have never had any trouble logging in and getting prizes through Newz.

  6. blackball says:

    Found this event lot of fun. Like the idea of the two games being joined. A lot of people play when there is something to gain. It fun to see a lot of pets on the game. Please do it again.

  7. duff428 says:

    I loved that the pieces were sent to Next. The event ran very smoothly for me. The items look fabulous on both my accounts. I hope that we have more of these crossover events.

  8. constanceclume says:

    As an original Classic user, when I started Next it was my hope that new items in Classic could be carried over to/would also be available in Next. Therefore, during this event, it was great to obtain the same items for both games. I appreciated that acorns could be found on Newz, by clicking daily in Classic, by asking friends, and through purchasing. This allowed me to get the items two times over, and it was a delight to see them show up magically in my Next dock the day after I obtained them in Classic. The Friendly Froggy items make up such a cute theme, too. Very thoughtful.

  9. Buttonwillow says:

    I was able to collect both sets of prizes with no problems. It was great to have more items to decorate with. I was even able to collect an extra set to trade/share with those who didn’t have a chance to win all the prizes. I hope you will continue events like this.

  10. monkeydonna says:

    Yes I was able to collect all the prizes. I really loved this event and hope there will be more like it!

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