Adventure Park Pet and Costume Duos – August 23rd to 28th

Adventure Park Pet Duos
Adventure Park Pet Duos

Adventure Park Pets Duos offer valid 11:00am August 23 to 11:59pm August 28, 2011 (EST). Offer cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash or combined with any other offer.

76 Responses to Adventure Park Pet and Costume Duos – August 23rd to 28th

  1. Katie says:

    Wow! That is so awesome! I don’t have e-store though. I was a deluxe member for 1 month 1 time. I purchased a $2 membership. But the pets look awesome and so does the clothing! Bye! ~Katie~

  2. vballchick24 says:

    UNFAIR!!!! But if it wasn’t estore then i might like it :D!!!
    Otherwise… :P

    –Peace, Love, Volleyball <3

  3. vballchick24 says:

    I think i know why they have adventure pets…. like, special ones. It’s because they want to earn money so they can make more webkinz, the other thing is, there is only one adventure park. Not a whole bunch of rooms, like the clubhouse. so they made adventure pets cause maybe then the park wouldn’t get to full. I still agree it’s all to much… maybe if you could buy them without estore?? I think you should also be allowed to use a adventure park pet if you adopted one before it opened!!!! I do like the leopard… :-)

    –Peace, Love, Volleyball <3

  4. BYRD24 says:


  5. Semyo says:

    Unfair, too expensive.

  6. katy says:

    Hi guys this is Angelina i have the koala and the pink pony they can get in but can’t do quests): that is really sad i know alot of people are mad about you should enter the adventure contest and you could get all the adventure park pets if you win yay i entered–Angelina

  7. hudzmom3 says:

    I bought the Mudd Hippo and did the adventure and the Hippo can do nothing more.
    Any pets you purchase they con only do ONE ADVENTURE, so you have to continue to buy
    more pets to participate in the ADVENTURE PARK…
    How disappointing.. I have 160 pets, I think I have spent enough

    • Mama E. says:

      AFTER THE END OF THE MONTH–Each adventure pet will have a daily mini-quest. and don’t forget to swap w/someone who has different adven. pet–no duplicate prizes.
      Also I have over 50 pets a wide array very endangered to hampsters that somehow keep getting more–I think they are so cute.
      While most I have gotten clearenceced some were quite expencive.
      I have 4 adventure pets already on my account–
      Despite the fact that they were planning this perk when I opened my account and flooded the market w/ these pets, we do not get adventure credit–luckily we hadn’t put in ALL of the pets we got on sale–so we still have some and lil ones count
      my 8 yr old LOVES the quests, she can’t wait until next month and pet of the month to boot..
      hudzmom3–how do you do school for them all or do you just pick and choose? I can’t keep up w/ mine–takes over four hours to complete –now daily tasks.

  8. Linds says:

    Hi!! I have the spotted leopard. I like the Adventure park but it’s kinda confusing, why can’t my Polor bear go in?

  9. GM2Bear says:

    Maybe they have not had so many people wanting duplicate pets just to play in adventure land and this duo offer is to sweeten the deal.

  10. WolfieWard says:


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