Adventure Park Pet – Velvety Elephant

Play the Adventure Park Peek-A-New Challenge between November 1 and 11!

187 Responses to Adventure Park Pet – Velvety Elephant

  1. Sepphira says:

    I’ve had my Velvety Elephant for a few years now. I adopted it WAY before they introduced the Adventure Park. For those who were asking about access to the Adventure park, you don’t have to own any of the specific A.P. animals. The A.P. animals (Mud Hippo, Pink Pony, Velvety Elephant, etc.) give you access to pet specific quests that offer some very cool items as rewards. Now the bad news: If you already owned any of these pets before they became an Adventure Park pet, you don’t get the quest for that pet. The pet specific quest is only available if you adopt the pet AFTER it becomes an A.P. pet, so if you’ve had, for example, a Velvety Elephant since before it was an Adventure Park pet, you’ll need to adopt another one to activate the quest that, when completed, gives you a Shooting Star Ship.

  2. Jessicarocks10 says:

    AWW! So cute! My sister has an elephant but it’s not a velvety elephant! But they are both soooo cute! Congratz for the new pet! Please add me on webkinz everyone! My user is Jessicarocks10! Thanks! ;D

  3. artemis says:


  4. Nat says:

    I got the velvety elephant in mammoth and it is so soft and the ears and everything are all floppy :) i recommend it to everybody! Its awesome. i love it so much.

  5. PJ says:

    WOW! We have a new Adventure park animal!

  6. Emma says:

    i think its a cute webkinz but not the best i have seen today

  7. NinjaSaurus-Rex says:

    I already have one and its name is Cali. Idk if I can go to the park or not… I should be able to.

  8. tavia says:

    hey friends i love webkinz

  9. squrit says:

    it is so cute!

  10. animallover112233 says:

    that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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