Adventure Park Pets are available in Ganz eStore!

Adopting a Webkinz Adventure Park Pet unlocks a new level of fun!

- Complete daily quests – Update: “Quick Quests” (Daily Quests) are being released on August 31, 2011.
- Send a quest to a friend
- Find and earn fantastic prizes

Check out these Adventure Park Pets available at Ganz eStore to help get you started:

Pink Pony Spotted Leopard Mud Hippo
Chimpanzee Spotted Frog Koala

75 Responses to Adventure Park Pets are available in Ganz eStore!

  1. katerina72 says:

    its unfair if you all ready have the pet it does not work you nee to buy one during this period

  2. BigAdventureTimeFan says:

    You need to have adopted your pet only like a few days ago to play there. You can go on Adventure Park without an
    Adventure Park pet, but instead, not your own pet, the Mutt! Remember him? :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have a koala but i can’t get quests:(

  4. tribal bu says:

    it is open already and you DONT need a pet! maybe its a weeklong trial??? I have a TWO normal pink ponies and that is the only adventure park pet i LIKE so my mom would never get me a third!

  5. keywestcat says:

    I felt very disappointing when it said adopt a adventure park pet and its not fair at all. >:,(

  6. MDIChickadee says:

    These are so cute!

  7. dewdrop says:

    I can buy 2 of the pets but they are the standard ones, not special Adventure Park ones I was going to buy them even though I am in Australia and my retailer did not know what I was talking about??? Please Webkinz can you explain to all that they must be a Specially Tagged Adventure Pets not the Standard ones that you normally sell.It is confusing :(

  8. Maplewind says:

    Trixagus- Nope! I saw them at the REAL store in real life. These are just the virtual ones. ~Maplewind~

  9. cbncb97 says:

    If you don’t like the rules, simplying stop playing. Please stop complaining for those of us to enjoy our time on Webkinz and Adventure Park. Thank you.

  10. hal says:

    I have the pink pony and the koala this is CRAZY!! I would understand it there were totally different pets like zums or hamsters but actual webkinz that thousands already own? These people, like me, have to either buy those webkinz again or not have access to “adventure land” so rude! – Ganz – really be nicer than that – let everyone be able to play there~! especially if they already own the pets!!! – or come up with new animals that everyone will have to get – or better idea- just let us play there and don’t make us buy more pets.

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