Age of Magic Close-Up

Check out the Charmed Bonfire!

We can’t let Age of Magic end without showcasing the Season’s awesome outdoor item, the Charmed Bonfire.

Place the Charmed Bonfire outdoors and click on it to light its magical purple flame.

The Charmed Bonfire is a Season Pass prize. The Season Pass can be purchased at any time throughout the Season for as low as $6.99 USD. Each Season Pass unlocks 30 exclusive Season prizes as well as one special recipe.
Login to play Age of Magic before it ends on February 13th.
How close are YOU to finishing the Season? Please tell us in the Comments section.

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8 Responses to Age of Magic Close-Up

  1. stinkypete says:

    I love the purple flame, so cool

  2. hlfbkdfae says:

    I never seem to finish. I don’t ever get to complete the kid and baby tasks as I only have my free pet. I really wish they would change those tasks considering not everyone gets the chance to have a baby or kid. Other than that I thoroughly enjoy these challenges and have fun trying my best to complete them (:

    • sally says:

      You don’t need your own baby to do the daily baby task — just visit a friend with a baby and use theirs. The point requirements for each Season were reduced from 3000 to 2700 to make it easier to finish and accommodate players that may not have babies/kids or be able to complete each arcade task.

      • unovanvulpix says:

        Thank goodness. I thought the stats looked a little different. Also, I like having a number. PS: I have a really hard time finishing the tasks each month. Some days I forget to log into Webkinz. I’m guessing that you need to get a perfect or near perfect score to get all the prizes. A lot of younger players probably aren’t allowed to play Webkinz every day either, never mind forgetting.

        • sally says:

          The dailies really do add up. That said, I tend not to go on over the weekends, and focus on the weekly tasks. If I get all of the business days in the Season, I can finish no problem.

  3. cr2w says:

    Almost finished – thanks to the season pass. Glad I purchased it. I stink at Cake It Up and Goody Goody Gumdrops.

  4. kalcan8 says:

    Lovely and mystical! I didn’t check ahead and see that the season ends on 2/13, so thanks for the heads up! That will make for a nice quiet Valentine’s day between Seasons.

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