Angora Bunny

295 Responses to Angora Bunny

  1. ARIEL says:

    So cute, I must buy it! He looks so soft! Today I planned to buy the Webkinz cocker spaniel (that all my friends have it) but if I shop Miara it clear that I would buy it! Lol:)

  2. Name_Not_Shown_ says:

    Im sorry, there was an error in webkinz. for some reason, THEY TOOK OUT ALL THE GOOD WEBKINZ AND ADDED NEW ONES!!!!!!! I hate it! they also added Kinzstyle outlet, and the “Key to webkinz!” Make your name “Not_Shown_” if you agree!!

  3. Webkinz LOVE says:

    yah i agree with the nose thing theres no nose which is kinda scary

  4. sophie says:

    i love bunnies soooo im collecting all the webkinz bunnies AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW….. i have a real bunny too her name is cookie cuddles

  5. Talia says:

    This webkinz is so adorable! Be my friend I’m tata915. Its so cute!

  6. LittlePrincess360 says:

    Eh. It’s alright. I prefer the lop bunny, though.

  7. Faith says:

    ITS SOOO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

    (u who have not seen Dispicable Me do not get it)

  8. ALYSSIA says:

    sssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!

  9. alysdancer8849 says:

    I have great newz! My mom said I can get the Angora Bunny for easter (wahoooo!). It will probably be a girl unless I change my mind. I already have some ideas for names. Katness (from hunger games), Rina, Angie, or Delilah. Anyone got any ideas?

    • Faith says:

      COOL! I love that book! anyway, all those names sound good! I really like Delilah, (its my favorite nameXD) and suggestions are………(drumroll please)………………………………………..Jesse, (maybe, no?) Dina, and Annie. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

  10. SnowRabbit1997 says:

    I LOVE the Bunny!!!!!!! The stuffie is much cuter, my own bunny Gunpowder Plot, has the same adoreable expreshion. Espeshily when bounced. Anyway Very cute.

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