April 1 – 7: FREE Shipping with new April Pets

From April 1 to 7, when you purchase one of the New Plush Webkinz Pets released in April, your ENTIRE order will qualify for FREE SHIPPING at Ganz eStore!


This special deal is only valid from April 1 to 7 with purchases that include at least one of the following two New Plush Pets from the New Webkinz Plush Pets section!




So visit Ganz eStore between April 1 and 7 and check out April’s new pets! Because for the first week of April, the shipping’s on the Global Panda and the Salt and Pepper Dalmation!


38 Responses to April 1 – 7: FREE Shipping with new April Pets

  1. Twizi says:

    Hey guys, I just ordered a bunch of Webkinz Pets, and I’m running dry on names! Does anyone have name suggestions? Please Respond to this comment with names! The Webkinz are: 10 Year Magic W Pup, Polka Dot Pup, Donut Pup, Lil’ Peanut Pup, Music N Dance Pup, Poofy Poodle, and Poshy Poodle. Thanks so much!

    • Twizi says:

      Chose my names! Poshy Poodle – Jazz
      Poofy poodle – Tiara
      Lil’ Peanut Pup – Peanut
      10 Year Magic W Pup – Surprise
      Polka Dot Pup – Dottie
      Donut Pup – Sprinkles
      Music N Dance Pup – Danse

  2. doingmydailies says:

    I’m back, at least for right this moment. The last few nights I’ve had tiring musical rehearsals, school (obviously) and so much homework!!! I just haven’t had any time to go on Webkinz or Webkinz Newz. And I’ve missed the reveal of these pets!!! So cute, both of them, especially that Global Panda. It is so unique!!! :D

  3. kbk100 says:

    Great deal! The PSI that comes with the Global Panda is amazing! :)

  4. ilovemoonie says:

    Cool!! I would do this, but, I *might* Be getting a red wolf soon…..and if I did, I can guarentee that I won’t be able to get a webkinz for a loong while. That wolf is expensive! If I don’t get it though, I might get one of these when there’s free shipping! :)

  5. doodlebug72898 says:

    *Gasp!* I need that Salt & Pepper Dalmatian!!!! He would be the PERFECT companion to my Black & White Cheeky Dog! They could share a room!!!!!

  6. FennecFox says:

    Such cuties! :D That panda looks like a gummy bear! and that salt and pepper Datamation is soooo cute. =)

  7. winterwarriorwolf says:

    I wish I was able to get a new pet, but I probably won’t be getting another one until next year xD That might be an exaggeration, but I’m not sure xD Anyways, it’s a great deal! :D

  8. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Wow, this is great!! :D I got my cuddle cat (along with my clover cat) earlier this month during the free shipping period, and it was so worth it! I’d totally get these two pets but um.. Well…. I don’t think I’m allowed to get any more Webkinz till May. :/ Oh well…. At least I can put ‘em on my wish list…

  9. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Aww, too bad it’s only at the eStore, I was hoping it would be Amazon. I still may get that Dalmation, though. It is very cute and goes with my Pink Dalmation. Anyway, I also like the psi for the panda! Nice! They both look quite cute online too.

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