April Candy Kinz Pet Introductory Special!

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April Candy Kinz Introductory Special!
Maple Moose: 10,000 eStore Points April 1st!

The Maple Moose is one of the extremely popular Candy Kinz pets! This sugary sweetheart comes with a plate of Maple Bark Bites and an absolutely amazing Gourmet Cupcake Maker that is sure to make your Candy Kinz Factory the talk of the town!

Webkinz Candy Kinz Maple Moose Webkinz Candy Kinz Maple Moose
Maple Moose Gourmet Cupcake Maker Maple Walnut Squares Giftbox


New to Candy Kinz?

Feast your eyes on the Candy Kinz Collection available exclusively to Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers!

Webkinz Candy Kinz Candy Factory Webkinz Candy Kinz Candy Town
Your Pets can work away in the
Candy Factory room
Or… just chill out in the creamy, chocolaty goodness of the Candy Town room!
Each month, Ganz eStore will feature a new Candy Kinz Pet, whose special item is one piece of this exclusive theme that you can’t get anywhere else! Special items such as Waffle Bowl Mixers, Gourmet Cupcake Makers, Sprawling Candy Plants, Cupcake Forklifts, Hot Fudge Willow Trees and more all await Deluxe Webkinz members who adopt a Candy Kinz pet each month in 2011! Look for complementary Candy Kinz pieces at W-Shop and Ganz eStore as well!

In January, we introduced the first Pet of the Candy Kinz series… the Polar Gummy

Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy Webkinz Candy Kinz Polar Gummy
Polar Gummy Chocolate Coin Pond Gummy Honey on Toast Giftbox

In February, Candy Kinz pets continued to arrive in Webkinz World with the Rock Candy Croc

Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc Webkinz Candy Kinz Rock Candy Croc
Rock Candy
Rock Around the
Croc Clock
Hard Candy

In March, a new Candy Kinz pet flew into Webkinz World: the Sugar Rush Butterfly

Webkinz Candy Kinz Sugar Rush Butterfly
Sugar Rush Butterfly Super Sugar Swing Sweet Nectar Slushy Giftbox

What Candy Kinz Pet will be next?
Stay tuned for more sugary goodness! It’s confection perfection!

See these pets and more all at Ganz eStore!
Please note: Each Candy Kinz Pet comes with one unique Special Item.

194 Responses to April Candy Kinz Pet Introductory Special!

  1. softballplayer05 says:

    wow i wish i was a deluxe member but its hard to pay money like that especially in this world

  2. bkmd1999 says:

    i like eSTORE i am deluxe but you have to pay alot of money to be deluxe i saved up my money i payed $45.00

  3. ilovecandy says:

    I agrre with dachsiesrule because it is not fair when your parents make you pay for stuff and you can’t pay for a deluxe membership. I hope the webkinz world doesn’t become all deluxe!

  4. cosmic1212121212 says:

    aargh why does this have to be estore

  5. webby says:

    I really hope webkinz does go all deluxe. It is so much fun.

    • AA really right and nice! says:

      If it went “all deluxe”, you would have to pay to play every month at least two dollars, , this stuff is all online, you can’t keep it or anything! I do have deluxe membership

    • littleghost98 says:

      i dont wish that webkinz goes all deluxe cuz its dumb that the fact you have to pay money even if it is only $2 dollars a month everyone should b able enjoy webkinz equally. thats my personal opinion.

  6. Jenny says:

    I want one! :)

  7. CandyFun32 says:

    I am either getting the maple moose when it is not deluxe or the new easter kinz!

  8. Aplpie says:

    Estore stinks! I do think hes cute tho! Why wud anyone spend ten $ on nothin tho? Plz friend me! im Annmarie50! I have 13 kinz! duz Dachsiesrule mean daschunds? If so, CUTE! I know right?

    • spookymh says:

      i am not friending anyone who hates estore i have deluxe and will never help a protest estore will stay, unless everyone hates it and if even one person likes it it stays so too bad for protest all you want. haha. this is estore, “cool” and this is you after protesting, :( . ESTORE STAYS UNTIL WEBKINZ GOES OUT OF BUIESNESS AND IF ESTORE IS GONE WEBKINZ WORLD IS GONE TO DO YOU WANT THAT? NO ESTORE NO WEBKINZ WORLD!

      • Em says:

        Spookymh, if the eStore is so important to Webkinz, then how did it survive without the eStore? Webkinz actually THRIVED without the eStore! Back when Webkinz was funner! Who in their right mind would spend something real for something that you can’t use offline? Ask that to yourself and think before you choose sides. And, I’ve already chosen mine. I’m joining the protest.

    • estore stinks says:

      i hate estore and deluxe its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfair

  9. dachsiesrule says:

    huh this is cute but doubly bad! first it is e store and maple candy’s is one of my faves. and if i could get it,it is deluxe only! UNFAIR GANZ!

  10. ladyb266 says:

    awe!!!! The cupcake maker is a really cool idea. And the moose is super cute too!

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