August’s Pet of the Month

379 Responses to August’s Pet of the Month

  1. miemie123 says:

    OMG!!!! I have the rooster! i have roosters in real life to.They get annoying a lot!

  2. kara says:

    I am a really huge fan of the rooster

  3. cos says:

    Super!!! I want it!!!

  4. webkinzlover4567 says:

    i have the rooster and i can’t waut to load him on in august!!! eep! so excited i could scream!!!!! :) thanks webkinz i love you guys!!!!!

  5. sourkids45 says:

    i have 12 of them

  6. SnowballThePig says:

    im getting a couple to day and im gonna name them:
    if its a cat: bear,dog: rocksie,horse: honey, any other its gonna be bluebell

  7. ellabella says:

    I have a rooster and registered it. It’s so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. penny says:


  9. maddycray says:

    i love webkinz

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