August’s Pet of the Month

379 Responses to August’s Pet of the Month

  1. brianne says:

    i really want to win the ROOSTER CONTEST because i love camping too.i have 10 rooms ,1 backyard.

  2. orange love says:

    OMG! I love farm animals too! Super cute!

  3. lavender210 says:

    I have the rooster I got him yesterday I can’t wait till August! He’s soo cute!

  4. chocolate cake says:

    yay! I just got the rooster! I’m going to wait till august to adopt her. I know roosters are generally boys but mine will be a girl. The rooster is my favorite webkinz of them all and it is going to be my first time adopting a Pet of the Month Webkinz! I’m so excited to see what I get from adoptig to rooster! :D

  5. Pandabaermom2 says:

    i love chickens and turkeys

  6. lolgirll says:

    aww i want one so bad i wish i could have one i loveee it!!!

  7. boswinkle123 says:

    my brother gave me him for chistmas

  8. Macy says:

    The reason i would like the rooster is because a new webkinz is the best thing i can think of for my birthday. P.S. please pick me. Macy :)

  9. puplovercat says:

    I need to have the Rooster!!!!

  10. jabbawabbi says:

    Its cool

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