August’s Pet of the Month

379 Responses to August’s Pet of the Month

  1. mzznicki says:

    this is awsome im getting it for my birthday and i hope you get it too

  2. nicky4599 says:

    I entered! I cant wait to see who won!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sophia says:

    I already have the rooster!!!! :)

  4. courtney says:

    okay i made up my mind i want that rooster

  5. kylie says:

    cool!I want it

  6. horse945346 says:

    i have a rooster 2 tottaly cool!

  7. donkeyfun101 says:

    I have a rooster and im waiting to adopt her onto webkinz on august 1st! her name is fluffy!yayayayay

  8. grimes2001 says:

    What is spree?

  9. gabby says:

    super cute my dog wants it

  10. seth says:

    I love rosters

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