August’s Pet of the Month

379 Responses to August’s Pet of the Month

  1. btrrocks1 says:

    my birthday is a few days away!!!!!!!!!!! I have to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!! that whould make me :D

  2. allie says:

    it looks so fluffy

  3. maddy says:

    omg im sooooo excited i have a rooster myself but i cant believe we get 6 spree rolls thats awesome

  4. pulikarehairy says:

    YAY!!!!! I bought a Rooster in May and haven’t registered it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. phoeberenee123 says:

    i will name my roster camp rock!

  6. phoeberenee123 says:

    cool! i hope i get it!

  7. ferrini says:

    i really want that rooster.i think ill name him sammy ;)

  8. isis says:

    Can you still get prizes if you had a rooster before the month?

  9. Webkinzgirl945 says:

    Sooooo cute i want the pet sooooo much i love farm animals i think that they are super cute

  10. pufffire36 says:

    i have him on my account already so i guess it doesnt count couse hes already logged into my account

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