Baby Showcase #136

Happy Thursday! Did you check out the Webkinz Day spark party video posted the other day? I’ve been working on growing up my Silver-Toed Sloth — we’ll probably have our next spark party on World Giraffe Day, and I’d love to try for a fancy green giraffe!

First up this week is this gorgeous green/blue/yellow Cotton Candy Raccoon. The yellow shiny paws are what gives this baby its cute tail and ear patterns, and it’s a perfect match with this body color. You really can’t go wrong with all of these pastels, and that bit of rainbow flair on the legs is super cute.

This Unicorn has a simply stunning back — the yellow and pink body color has this beautiful diffuse rainbow across the back, and I think this is the first I’ve seen of that intense rainbow on the tail! The pink heart pet patch is courtesy of a Grey Tabby, and it’s perfect!

This cute pupper has the unusual pale brown body color, which really makes the tiki back pattern pop! I think the Orange Tabby’s red heart patch is a nice touch here, and I always love the rainbow flairs on the legs. The pink and purple eyes are a subtle splash of color on the front!

This Holland Lop is coordinated in such a lovely way! The purple tulip pet patch goes perfectly with the pink and lavender body color, and the front leans more blue with the shiny blue paws and the rainbow flair on the legs. It’s really cool to see how the Cotton Candy Raccoon’s facial pattern shows up on other pets — they frame this baby’s power pink eyes beautifully!

Speaking of pet patterns on other pets, this teal kitty has the Holland Lop’s back and eye patch! This cutie is also from the original Grey Tabby line — the virtual-only version that was accidentally available when the game first launched. We redesigned the Grey Tabby with the plush, but left the originals untouched. Love the blue eyes here!

This Cotton Candy Raccoon certainly has WOW factor! I love the unicorn horn, and those rainbow shiny paws are so pretty. While this baby features Unicorn and River Otter traits, it’s actually the result of a Cotton Candy Raccoon and Landrace Pig! Still a fan of those rainbow flairs, especially the pastel version.

Last but not least, another Cotton Candy Raccoon! This one is the standard pink, but looks great with the leopard spots on the back and those beautiful blue teacup roses on the legs, courtesy of a Teacup Yorkie! The pink and teal paws are a really pretty touch, I love the power pink eyes with the purple bat ears.

That’s it for this week. Which pet is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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2 Responses to Baby Showcase #136

  1. eglwlf says:

    anyone have issues with baby coming back from daycare

  2. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, all of these babies are so cute! I really like the teal kitty but they’re all adorable. I’m looking forward to the next spark party! :)

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