Baby Showcase #138

Happy Thursday! We had a nice little update today, which means I hope to see your pets sporting the latest in summer fashions. My favorite is the overalls, which can be worn over any shirt! But more importantly, let’s get back to babies!

First up is this super cute Husky featuring Pixie Tiger stripes on the face, zebra stripes on the back snow squall leg patches, and a pair of fun feathers! I love the hint of purply pink on this mostly white pet. Very cute!

I have a few green spring fawns, but I must admit I really adore the look of the Moon Bear patches on this pet. It just adds a little bit of specialness. The frost blue spring fawn horns look quite cute with this soft teal color.

This cute Sloth looks like a peach! I can’t wait for my redemption sloth to be grown so I can spark some colorful sloths! I like the little diamond pet patch on this onem which it got from a Pride Lion, but it also has the yellow eyes from a Giraffe pet, so this is at least a third generation pet. I like the pop of color from the rainbow flair on the arms, too.

Diamond Winterswirl has a pair of ultra rare River Otters and they’re both adorable! The first one has that lovely frosty body color, which looks fantastic with the shimmer tiger stripes back. I like the rainbow flair here, too, and the glittering ears and paws seem to match nicely.

The second River Otter is that lovely greenish bitter lemon color. This one has more pink accents at the feet, ears, and tail, and the super rare river flower back pattern. Very pretty!

OH.. MY.. GOODNESS. I thought I was done sparking Frogs, but just LOOK at this pet. I adore the Cotton Candy Raccoon face mask on this pet. It’s such a gorgeous combination of pinks, yellows, and purples. Love love love!

Last but not least is this gorgeous green lion with two perfect pops of pink — the eyes and the cotton candy patch!
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12 Responses to Baby Showcase #138

  1. creek4kids says:

    The frog is AMAZINGGGG omg

  2. Boneleg says:

    Oh. My goodness. That husky baby is probably the coolest pet I have ever seen sparked! WOWSERS!!!!

  3. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, thank you for featuring my cute little frog, Sally! I was hoping I’d get a pink frog but this was WAY beyond what I expected & I had the same reaction you did- WOW!!! All of the other pets featured are really cute, too. :)

  4. 4evaluv says:

    Oh, forgot to mention…I got a pink lion baby! Yay!

  5. 4evaluv says:

    Help! I sparked my first baby in Next today. The baby needs a diaper change. A washcloth appears so I can clean the baby, but no matter how I swipe the washcloth, how fast I swipe it, or how many times I swipe it, the baby is still stinky. How is the diaper change supposed to work? Thanks in advance for all help! :)

    • sally says:

      There’s an issue with the Pinktastic Lion specifically when it comes to the diaper change. It’s being investigated by the tech team. You won’t be able to complete that task, so it’s best to ignore it for now.

  6. kalcan8 says:

    Great baby showcase! I’m with you Sally! That bright and colorful froglet is adorable! How does one go about getting the other colors? All I have are shades of green, which are still very cute, but I would love to inject some color into the gene pool. Is it just a result of which other pet you choose for sparking? I tend to go for the more naturally colored pets, like Mandy Webkinz. Maybe I should get a moon bear or something to add some color. Congrats to all of the featured new Next parents!

    • sally says:

      Body colors are basically 33% chance to be the default color of the pet type (so green if a Frog, etc), 33% chance to be influenced by one pet, 33% chance to be influenced by the other. So if you have a default Green Frog and a default Orange Tabby and have a Green Frog baby, there’s a 33% chance it’ll be the default green, 33% chance it’ll get a Frog color closer to the Green Frog (depending on rarity), and a 33% chance it’ll get a Frog color closer to the Orange Tabby (depending on the rarity). Ultimately, the rarity that’s rolled for the body color is a huge influence. Color is probably the most complicated trait!

      • kalcan8 says:

        Ahhhhh… math! Thanks for the explanation (?), Sally. I will need to branch out of my comfort zone and add some fantasy color pets to my WW family. I can see the subtle influence of color. On one account, I sparked a red gorilla with a husky and got a lovely purple velvet husky. On a different account, I sparked an orange tabby with a green husky and got a gorgeous rust colored husky. I am just leary of the unusual colors – I got a spring green golden retriever with brown undertones and some rainbow flairs and a unicorn horn. I named him Frankie due to him slightly resembling Frankenstein. LOL!

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