Be Above the Weather with the New Wacky Webkinz World item!

New Items Available this weekend:
Above the Weather Ride and Unidentified Flying Bed

Catch some of the new stuff being offered at Webkinz and Ganz eStores

No one is sure how this cloud vehicle is made, but it sure is fun to drive!

Webkinz World would like to thank our clever members for suggesting this wild item!

The Above The Weather Ride will be available until Friday September 16, 2011.

You can find a new Wacky Webkinz World item each month at Ganz eStore.


The Kinzville Times office is flooded with eyewitness reports of a mysterious flying bed! Some pets even report being beamed into the bed and enjoying a very relaxing nap.

The Unidentified Flying Bed will be available until Friday September 16, 2011.

You can find a new Sleeping Sensations Bed each month at Ganz eStore.

173 Responses to Be Above the Weather with the New Wacky Webkinz World item!

  1. Webkinz Member says:


  2. mystery person says:


  3. kangac says:

    hay yall i think that stuff looks off the hook

  4. Vampire Gal 756749 says:

    Waffle Wallaby did I spell it right? Wierd name but it looks cute and I want it sooooo BAD!! OMG it is sooooo ADORABLE!!

  5. brady says:

    i relly want it

  6. chlo29 says:

    I want an estore account but i can’t get one! Roar!

  7. korey says:

    lol wel i hate the purt when it start to rain

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