Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

Webkinz Mint Chocolate Cow

Every order* of a 75,000 eStore Points Package will receive a May CandyKinz Mint Chocolate Cow Pet Secret Code by email within 24 hours. If you miss this limited time offer, you’ll have to wait 2 months and be a Deluxe Advantage Customer!

Offer will be available to all eStore Customers*
from 12:00pm Friday, February 11, 2011 until 11:59pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 (EST).

*Must be 18 years of age with a valid credit card.
No Mint Chocolate Cows were hurt in the making of this newz post!

855 Responses to Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

  1. Charlotte says:

    Aww, 75 dollars is a lot. I’ll just get it when it comes out. XD

  2. CMB says:

    I think this is a bad offer. The points cost a lot of money. Webkinz IS getting really expensive, and I agree with the other people who have said this!

  3. tephibear says:

    kv12345, once you have all 5 roses from cinnamon in the park it should be floating off the left side of the page (at least it was for me). Hope this helps.

  4. quadmom says:

    Hello Jennifer! must be nice to be able to afford everything that you want

  5. mommysbabe19 says:

    GOT IT!!! My grandmother got it for me tonight. We were going to buy the estore points anyway so why not get this adorable pet for free and 2 months ahead of its release. We are going to get the complete CandyKinz collection so this was a great deal. I am very fortunate to have someone who can get these for me and I really appreciate my grandmother.


  6. lorena says:

    that is awesome

  7. victoria says:

    are you kidding me? 75000 estore points. We should have a boycot or something

  8. Flufffluff7 says:

    TOTAL RIPOFF! Who pay 75 bucks for a cheap cow who is just pixels?!
    It would be great was a real webkin ,not a lame estore thing. WE DEMAND IT BE MADE INTO A REAL PET!>=/

  9. victoria says:

    I hate the estore.

  10. grammy says:

    kool that is asome i luvmint and i lik cowslol

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