Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

Webkinz Mint Chocolate Cow

Every order* of a 75,000 eStore Points Package will receive a May CandyKinz Mint Chocolate Cow Pet Secret Code by email within 24 hours. If you miss this limited time offer, you’ll have to wait 2 months and be a Deluxe Advantage Customer!

Offer will be available to all eStore Customers*
from 12:00pm Friday, February 11, 2011 until 11:59pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 (EST).

*Must be 18 years of age with a valid credit card.
No Mint Chocolate Cows were hurt in the making of this newz post!

855 Responses to Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

  1. FerrisWheels says:

    What would ANYBODY rather do?
    A. Do the offer and waste your money.

    B. Wait two months and get it for 12,500 estore points.

    C. None of the above

  2. ilikepie123 says:

    ganz you are being so dumb wen i lokede at the ad is sed you coude get that cow for FREE and now your saying its not free you are sooooooooooooooooooooo dumb ganz!

  3. WEEGEE says:


  4. kitkat says:

    if webkinz world says its free than it should be free also if it cost $75 it should come with a pet and much more

  5. George says:

    I thought they said it is free!Well its not .There just trying to trick you.Why are they trying to trick you? Because they want to trick you into ,paying 75$ for estore points.

  6. Emma says:

    I’m sorry for being rude, but some people can’t afford $75! And why can’t you put in an address and Ganz can send you a plush pet. Oh, and after you start sending estore points to the Webkinz estore, you keep getting them, so you never have Ganz estore points!!So thank you Ganz, for making this “mint ice-cream cow” a big scam.

  7. feb16thatsme says:

    i think this thing is unfair because it said FREE COW!! and then i clicked see how and it tells me for 75 dollars!!! i mean seriously dont put FREE unless its FREE its as simple as that”!!!!

  8. webkinz user says:

    this isn’t free! you need 75 dollars to get it!no, not everyone can get it. if it’s that expensive then throw in a little something extra like what Megan said a plush that smells like mint chocolate chip

  9. pandy82504 says:

    I am not goin to pay all that for a webkinz pet! I thought because of the ad that It would be free! I mean free as in F R E E not a secret $78.

  10. Jane says:

    I don’t mind at all. (NOT!!!!!)

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