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Every order* of a 75,000 eStore Points Package will receive a May CandyKinz Mint Chocolate Cow Pet Secret Code by email within 24 hours. If you miss this limited time offer, you’ll have to wait 2 months and be a Deluxe Advantage Customer!
*Must be 18 years of age with a valid credit card.
No Mint Chocolate Cows were hurt in the making of this newz post!
How are you suposed to get a free cow but you have to pay for it these people are lame and they get us all hyped up for it but lie to us
What?! It should be that you just enter your name into a box and whoevers name gets picked they get the cow! And its not fair that deluxe memebers can only get it! Please keep this in mind the next time!
Wow this is lame!!! Webkinz always has to have stuff that I’m looking forward to but then we have to pay estore points? What is that?!?! I’m mad at you!!!! That is mean!!!!
webkinz is prity good at ceping bisenis up the best thing you could do is try to go up highre on makeing zums zums are the best I know becuse I have one its colld zreth its a gigly zum p.s. I love webkinz!!!!!!!!
really, you say it’s free, but really it’s not?!?!?! That’s SOOOOOOOO NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so maybe it IS free seeing that the only OTHER way you can get it is if your deluxe
YAY! A free cow! It’s so cute! I can’t wait to get it this weekend! This is so awesome! They should do things like this more often!
why are all of you this seem so bad the $75.00 is going to make MORE WEBKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there’s a big difference between $75 and $0
You say it is free but it isn’t. The webkinz company should make the mint chocolate cow a plush toy instead of a online toy.
This is crazy we should have a contest so that every one has a chance of geting one.