Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

Webkinz Mint Chocolate Cow

Every order* of a 75,000 eStore Points Package will receive a May CandyKinz Mint Chocolate Cow Pet Secret Code by email within 24 hours. If you miss this limited time offer, you’ll have to wait 2 months and be a Deluxe Advantage Customer!

Offer will be available to all eStore Customers*
from 12:00pm Friday, February 11, 2011 until 11:59pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 (EST).

*Must be 18 years of age with a valid credit card.
No Mint Chocolate Cows were hurt in the making of this newz post!

855 Responses to Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

  1. Misty says:

    I want the old webkinz back, where everyone was treated the same, and you din’t have to buy things to be special.

  2. Misty says:

    Why is all the cool stuff only available in the estore? It’s not fair!!!!!!!!!

  3. MrT says:

    I would say moooo but instead I’ll say booooo for the Rip off deal

  4. girlsrule says:

    and PS why would any one pay 75 dollers just for one webkinz? i have seen webkinz on sale for $ 4.99 and you could buy like ten with that amount of money so don’t waste it onn one little cow :(

  5. girlsrule says:

    really? that really is a bad deal. i don’t want to hurt ganz feelings or anything but that is a bad deal. how may kids do you see have about $75 dollers of estore points? A: hardely any. anyways webkinz is for kids and how many kids have a credit card? their moms aren’t going tom give them $75 dollers

  6. girlsrule says:

    uh bad deal i don’t even have estaore points thats like 75 dollers not even i have that much money :(

  7. orob123 says:

    I think it is unfair that you can only pay in dollars I am europian and I don’t have them!

  8. Fudge says:

    To Sunnyrayray, sideline kid, sappyloo, do you even know what you are talking about? you are not paying 75 dollars for the cow you get the cow for free, take the ad to your parents maybe they will help you understand! you get the cow for free with the purchase of 75.00 in estore points. how much clearer can it be. Basic math

  9. JENNIFER says:

    You guys are all WRONG!!!!!!!!!! You purchase points that you spend on what ever you want from estore and you get a free cow. What is wrong with that let me guess you do not have that much to spend! It is not nice to pick at Ganz because you can get the deal instead let it go. I have not gotten it yet either but it is not because it is a rip off, Its deal a great deal do the math. If you purchase 75.00 worth of estore points to spend on what ever you want when ever you want you get a free cow that in 2 months will cost you 12,500 points which is the same as 12.50. So where is the rip off, yes i would love to see this made into a plush it is cute. As for the smell if it is virtual you can not smell it, if you are making a suggestion that ganz put out a line of webkinz that smell i do not think that would be much good. I love the scratch and sniff but they never really smell that great. i would prefer to get nice plush animals then some smelly thing and what about those of us who have allergies i hate the smell of perfume so I love webkinz the way they are .

  10. i want old webkinz back says:

    Webkinz used to be cool, now you have to pay for your pet plus all the cool things! I really can’t believe you are being soooooooooo mean!

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