Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

Webkinz Mint Chocolate Cow

Every order* of a 75,000 eStore Points Package will receive a May CandyKinz Mint Chocolate Cow Pet Secret Code by email within 24 hours. If you miss this limited time offer, you’ll have to wait 2 months and be a Deluxe Advantage Customer!

Offer will be available to all eStore Customers*
from 12:00pm Friday, February 11, 2011 until 11:59pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 (EST).

*Must be 18 years of age with a valid credit card.
No Mint Chocolate Cows were hurt in the making of this newz post!

855 Responses to Be One of the First to Get the Moovelous Mint Chocolate Cow!

  1. jill says:

    i want one for free me me me me

  2. angry girl says:

    im not happy why cant this be a simple content im not in estore or deluxe its getting me angry.

  3. webkinz user says:

    This is just not right. I dont even go on the estore

  4. OMG dont like this idea says:

    This idea is really odd. I don’t have 75 dollars!! I thought it was free. That is totally cheap to say it is free and ou have to pay 75 dollars!!!!

  5. Mom who plays webkinz says:

    I’m sorry all these kids don’t get it. Purchasing $75 in estore points allows you to use the estore points to buy anything in the estore…PLUS you get a free code for the cow (worth 12,500 estore points)…that’s getting 87,500 in estore points for $75.

  6. Magenta103 says:

    ITS A TOATAL RIP OFFF!!!!!!! you don’t get it free I dony even shop at estore!!!!!!!!

  7. Webkinz Pets Rock 123 says:

    Its mean you have to speend $75 dollers gust to get a cow.

  8. Wow says:

    So basically, you have to pay $75 for a “Free” Cow. Wow, what a deal!

  9. Missylala says:

    That is really unfair. I mean who wants to buy a webkinz for $75 when the could get one for $12 and a whole bunch for $75! Seriously who would want to buy that? It said “FREE” but actually it is almost $100. :(

  10. googles says:

    i thought i was getting a **FREE** mint chocolate cow from e store

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