Best Summer Vacation

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

August is a great month to go on vacation, and we want to hear what you think would be the best summer vacation, ever! Tell us about your best vacation in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win an eStore exclusive Beat the Heat Hammock (the “Prize”)!

The contest opens at 12:00am EST on August 15, 2011 and ends at 11:59 pm EST on August 21, 2011. For details on how to enter the contest and the official contest rules, click here.

Visit the Contests page on August 15 to enter this contest. Entries in the comments will not be considered.

82 Responses to Best Summer Vacation

  1. madeline says:

    i love sumer vacation too!

  2. Mysticfalls says:

    I’m totally goning to enter! We went to Europe, and it was AMAZING!

    • PrettyBirdie says:

      SOOO lucky, Mysticfalls! I hope you win so I can read about your trip! Good luck to everyone, though! We had a relaxing staycation- a nice break – with a few fun things here and there.

  3. Summer101 says:

    to:~icewwolf~ it starts tomorrow so you cant enter now any way you would click on enter conntest its a blue button

  4. ~IceWolf~ says:

    How do you enter contests? I don’t know how, and I just had a REALLY cool vacay! ~IceWolf*

  5. WebkinzAddict says:

    YEA!!!! I LOVED MY SUMMER AND I CAN NOT WAIT TO WRITE ABOUT IT….. (that is what we do right?)

  6. p0pc0rn123 says:

    :sad: my summer was so UN fun :sad:
    i guess i can add things i did last summer i guess that that’s not cheating…

  7. NeptuneFeline925 says:

    SCHOOL starts the 22 for me. i haven’t gone back to school shopping yet! I have to go tomorrow b/c I am running out of time! :D
    ~ NeptuneFeline925 ^.,.^

  8. NeptuneFeline925 says:

    I meant which summer I’ll write about. I forgot too put the word summer in there! Sorry! :blush Is that how you make the emberresed face?

  9. NeptuneFeline925 says:

    SO cool! But, I don’t know if I’ll enter. I wouldn’t know what to write b/c I won’t know which I’ll write about! :D

  10. Naomi says:

    I’m doing it! But school starts tommorow and I’ll have to do it later.


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