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that is a real dog breed and my favorite dog breed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: (: my next door neighbor has a real live bichon frise puppy it is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
Yes, I agree, kaseyz, the Bichon Frise’s P.S.I., the Fluffy White Bubble Bath, is a bit bubbly. I never really took a good look the last few times I’ve seen the picture of it, but now I know. I like the look of the Cotton Kibble Candy, though. It suits the Bichon Frise, it being fluffy and all. ~ McKittyKitty
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awwwwwwww so cute i want it
that is a real dog breed and my favorite dog breed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: (: my next door neighbor has a real live bichon frise puppy it is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
Yes, I agree, kaseyz, the Bichon Frise’s P.S.I., the Fluffy White Bubble Bath, is a bit bubbly. I never really took a good look the last few times I’ve seen the picture of it, but now I know. I like the look of the Cotton Kibble Candy, though. It suits the Bichon Frise, it being fluffy and all. ~ McKittyKitty
omg its soooo adorable i love its fur its so fluffy !!!!but FWI ganz the bath is way too bubbly .
soo cute i really want one because my grandma has a dog that is a bichon and it is soo cute
my dog is a bichon frise
i love it
It is SSSSSOOOOO CCCUUUTTTEEE!!!!!!!! I WANT ONE ! i would him in an instant. :D
its so cute in real life. i have it.
I loove this one but mine is so cute !!
I got this pet last night at Justice and I named it Libbie So cute in real life too! ;) Love it!