Big Top Elephant

Available now at Ganz eStore

33 Responses to Big Top Elephant

  1. Claire says:

    OHHHH my GOOSHH!!! I love this elephant, but I don’t use the e-store!!!

  2. mara says:

    Elephants are my favorite! Friend me on maramoop or mara1040. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  3. calin1961 says:

    game is super

  4. GENMCC says:


  5. Katie says:

    I love webkinz! :) “:

  6. emmap216 says:

    You know I love Webkinz World. I never got a webkin without buying the webkinz and typing in the code at the adoption center. I love animals and I’m an artist and an elephant is an animal and the elephantas art on it so I don’t want to lose the webkin because I love him or her. I hoping to win so good luck on choosing the winner and your my biggest fffaaannn!!!!!!!

  7. Katie says:

    i am so happy because it’s my birthday and my parents are giving me the elephant! :> :) :( :< ~Katie~

  8. Katie says:

    I am so gonna buy it! I have e-store :) :( ~Katie~

  9. dragon rider says:

    oh my gosh! this is soooo cute! i will have to try to get it. oh! i would name it peewee

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