Butterscotch Retriever

75 Responses to Butterscotch Retriever

  1. gdslmb3 says:

    wow you guys have alot of webkinz but not as many as me. I have 303 webkinz and iam adding 4 more to my list tomorrow.

  2. scrubs 17 says:

    Oh my gosh he is sooooooooooooooo cute. I have to get him. I have 92 webkinz and still going strong.

  3. superpig44 says:

    Wow only 32? I have 62! A lot to care for!!!!

  4. Emma says:

    omg i have to have it.

  5. laura says:

    i’ll take this cutie home with me:)

  6. Me says:

    This puppy is soooo cute!

  7. faith says:

    agree i love golden retriver

  8. Victoria says:

    Most cutest webkinz ever totally adding it to my Christmas list!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. zbirdstuff says:

    im totally getting this i hope my local stores have this!!! btw i have been saving my money since this was annuonced awhile back ago :D :D

  10. wofg says:

    This pet is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friend me! I’m wofg.

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