Buy a New Property on Webkinz Next

One of the coolest features in Webkinz Next is the ability to buy multiple properties—vacation homes for your pet!

Head to the WShop to get started. You’ll find the “Properties” tab in the “New and Fun” section.

From the WShop, you can purchase another Kinzville home or a Farmhouse for Kinzcash.

The Villa property is our only premium property which you can purchase for Diamonds.

If you’d like to take your pets to their very own cottage, be sure to complete the Home Away From Home Challenge.

Whenever you want to visit a property, click the “My Properties” button at the top of the screen and select the property you’d like to visit.
Which property is your favorite?

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



20 Responses to Buy a New Property on Webkinz Next

  1. megamom12 says:

    Working on money to get another property! I have several already. One of these days, I’m going to get some diamonds for the premium one. Maybe for Christmas or for my birthday next year.

  2. zdri says:

    And about editing the properties… Wish we have a winter ground cover and an autumn one to choose from, it would be most helpful!!!

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