Caramel Lion – April’s Pet of the Month

490 Responses to Caramel Lion – April’s Pet of the Month

  1. Abby says:

    i wish i could have him first than u guys. u guys just brag about this!

  2. Sally says:

    THAT U CALL THAT CUTE I THINK IS IS SUPER CUTE YA GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. fluffysnoww12 says:

    All my pets have been the Pet of the Month but i never get anything!

  4. lion lover says:

    friend me my username is coolio24499

  5. cupcake says:

    its sooooooo cute i really want it soo bad! if any of u are on webkinz can i be ur friend i am princessjasmin10

  6. cool says:

    i am trying to get a lion for the past week because i rrreallllllllllllyyy want to have a pet and a prize ofthe month

  7. mymypink08 says:

    OMG!! I hope I get it for easter!!!:)

  8. rayeanne says:

    its adorable!and can someone help me?my mom and i have looked for those webkin zumz.if anybody ones one can you tell me where it is?pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

  9. Horses Ya Gotta Love Em'! says:

    Hey i’m Lexie i love horses. I’ve had about 4 accidents that involve horses. I have a scar on my forehead because a horse ran me into a tree. I got 11 stitches but i’m ok. That was my worst one.

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