Celebrate Deluxe with May Specials!

Celebrate Deluxe Advantage with May Specials!

May’s Candy Kinz Pet is…the Mint Chocolate Cow!
Learn more about the
Mint Chocolate Cow and other Candy Kinz Pets here.

Mother's Day

Celebrate May Specials all month long with these Deluxe items:

Deluxe May Specials
Mother’s Day Getaway

Deluxe May Specials
Serene Dream Pond

Deluxe May Specials
Spring into Summer Window

Not a Deluxe Member Yet?
There’s still time to Sign Up to take advantage of all the Specials!


Items pictured above include: Mint Chocolate Cow, Leaning Tower of Kinzville (the lastest and greatest Wacky Webkinz World item), Tribute to Mom Garden, Grey Owl Topiary, Smiling Sunny Cloud, Serene Dream Pond, Piggy Plum Tree, Grey Owl Wonderful Waterfall as well as various W-Shop trees and flowers.


Webkinz Aviary Wallpaper

Meadow MAZIN’ Hamster

Caring Valley Tree Kit

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

121 Responses to Celebrate Deluxe with May Specials!

  1. mom012702 says:

    this thing is awesome

  2. Daron's girl 15 says:

    System Of A Down is the best band ever! Without System Of A Down (the band) there is no such thing as real good music. Thats a fact. Are They really making a new album? I don’t think they will be doing that. They should be given out thier new album right about now, and thier not. They never had a new album coming in stores yet. If thier is a new System Of A Down album coming out thats really awesome! You know what? My sister thinks Serj Tankian (the lead singer of the band) is cute. :O well, he is kind of cute. Serj is like 45 years old or something like that. He’s an old man, but still he has a voice of art! his singing is amazing! Better than the Blink 182 (the band) singer! :O yes! Could I really say that Serj Tankian is better than The main singer of A Day To Remember (the band)? Huh, tuff choice. :| System Of A Down is a five star band! All of thier songs are amazing! Lonely Day is a good song! Really all their songs are amazing! Serj, Daron, Shavo, and John are coming baKc this year! And their gonna rock out this year! Anyway, I have to feed my pet fish. Later! :D

    SOAD (System Of A Down) still rules and will rule forever, and after.

  3. eli says:


  4. Abli2001 says:

    YAY!! i wish i could get that stuff but i can’t cuz i’m not deluxe… :(

  5. 2cool4school says:

    I went and checked this site like i usally do everyday, and saw the 10,000 estore point mint cow for the first of may. I was about ready to run and ask my mom to drive me 2 gamestop so i could buy a 10,000 point estore card. I then looked at the advertisement more closely. I saw the words “deluxe advantage exclusive item”. That got me pretty mad, no not pretty mad, furious. What is up with that. I enjoy some items at the estore and every time i go to buy one, 9 times out of 10 it is for deluxe members only. Like the cute purple spring time chick for example. I don’t understand why ganz makes deluxe only items. We purchased the pet we needed to be a member and for most of us that is multiple pets. Technically we are all ready a member, and ganz is treating deluxe people like their only members. I get this on some sites like on club penguin for example. The website is free, but you can’t do that much. You are not a member yet, because you haven’t purchased anything yet. I get that, club penguin needs to make profit somehow. But for webkinz however, they are making money off the pets that EVERYBODY has to buy to acces the website. So, I think they need to stop this deluxe membership only. It is useless, makes people angry and all. I am quite angry right know, and don’t want people to say “ooh you said a bad word”. Look, I’m a teenager. I am aloud to say what i want. Peace out.

    - Ella (angry ella)

    • Misty_N_Kittywitchy says:

      I’m pretty mad about this too since I don’t have estore or deluxe. I would have deluxe and estore by now if there was something like I could buy the deluxe in a store though. But the pet is cute!

    • Pixie says:

      People with deluxe pay more, so it’s only fair that they get more. Deluxe is as cheap as $2 a month. So if you want the pets and other cool deluxe only items, get deluxe. If not, sorry but that’s the way life goes. Those who pay more always get more.

    • lisiec8 says:

      get a $2 deluxe and when you are a teen you still shouldn’t say bad words
      PS i’ll be a teen in 4 more months!

    • Makenna says:

      i know why they make for deluxe only ….soo they can get more money that’s the only reason why they do that……..I WISH THEY WOULD STOP …..and they do make me feel bad cuz i don’t have deluxe or estore :-[

    • millie says:

      I totally agree with 2Cool. it may only be $2 a month but some people can’t even afford that. I love playing on Wekinz but then they want you to have a Webkinz newz acct. now it’s a Twitter acct. I think stuff should just be simple, I mean we are kids after all! and I’m also limited on my time on the computer!

      • Lambchop says:

        Then honestly millie, if someone can’t even afford the $2 a month, they should just be happy that they have internet and can play Webkinz. A lot of kids don’t even have that! Be happy with what you do have, and don’t begrudge others for having something you can’t.

  6. velvet998 says:


  7. becca1367 says:


  8. Horselover13 says:

    Ok webkinz stop making us ( who don’t have deluxe or estore) feel bad!!! I mean we pay for the webkinz already we should not have to pay for this. :(



      • Pixie says:

        $2 a month? lol That’s the cost of deluxe you know!

      • Jessica2240 says:

        I agree its soooooo much money! and i have never got ANY special prizes or won contests. Do they only pick the people that have deluxe to win contests?

      • WebkinzMom911 says:

        Here we go again, everyone on the down with deluxe and estore band wagon. Have any of you looked at what a deluxe really costs. Lets see it is about the price of one candy bar a week for 52 weeks. With that you get 5000 estore points for getting deluxe and 3000 estore points every month for the year, that is $41.00 in estore points plus all the gifts. It’s a fantastic deal really, if you think about it.

      • Deluxe Person says:

        Settle down. Deluxe memberships are not that much money. Anyone with a steady job can afford it. There aren’t too many advantages either though so don’t get all worked up that we get this once in a while opportunity to buy things. Most of the things we get are just simple decoration things, or doing a few extra hourly activities. Sure we get extra pieces of clothing, but it’s just once a month and you only get one. If you are willing to, you can get an extra pet, but that’s probably the biggest thing. We don’t even have the gold zone anymore.
        I suggest talking your parents into playing Webkinz, and soon enough they’ll get so into it that they’ll pay for Deluxe, and when they do they’ll get it for you too!

    • ya horselover13 says:

      ya i agree also no fair!!!

    • TLR62 says:

      I agree with horselover13. it isnt fair to people who dont have deluxe to give deluxe special advantages. webkinz has turned in to a profit. money cant buy happiness.:(

    • Makenna says:

      Hey this is totally not fair i see the dice all the time but when i click on it it says the web page has expired….i HATE this…who gets that besides me?

    • Hannah says:

      Yea your making us feel bad!

    • e12i9 says:

      I agree! It’s REALLY unfair…just cuz we can’t get DELUXE doesn’t mean that other people in WW can have a higher advantage than us!!! :@ :(

    • Meghan says:

      2 dollors a month isnt that much!

    • mei says:

      i agree with horse lover13 too because it is bad that we have to pay now ,now we pay extra

  9. JENNA says:


  10. camidaiunikki says:

    Webkinz has truly followed it’s future and became the top toy for buys and girls of our generation, they inspire us to dream big and make us work harder so our dreams may come true

    • Horselover13 says:

      Yeah well it’s not working for us people who don’t have deluxe or estore :( . :( :(

      • Katy says:

        If people are so sick of estore, then they must me sick of Webkinz.
        The estore is a way to make extra money, and give cool items to those willing to buy.
        So you guys complain that it’s not fair that you have to pay, because you already payed for Webkinz, but they have to generate a profit. If they don’t make money, then they wouldn’t have been able to pay people to do as good of a job as they have been doing. We wouldn’t have new games, we wouldn’t have new items, we wouldn’t have new pets. Everything would be the same as when we first started. After a while, that Webkinz World is exciting. The Webkinz News, The Estore, Contests, things that you all complain are unfair are the things that make Webkinz World a place that welcomes all kinds of members. Still Upset? I hope not…

        • 8-Paw says:

          I will never be sick of Webkinz. What I like best about webkinz is the WEBKINZ, in fact. And the webkinz, the cute little plush things, have nothing to do with eStore. I like the idea that they are making money for charity and everything, but I think what we should be paying for is the cute animals that will last our whole lives and not for just a while, such as deluxe and eStore. What bothers me about deluxe and eStore is that the webkinz community is sort of annoying us to get it. They are putting deluxe symbols everywhere, presumably hoping we will click on them and find it inspiring to buy deluxe. But I find those symbols annoying, as if it matters so much to get it. Maybe if deluxe were just getting a special item every month and eStore was just a little place where you could get “okay” items that don’t matter so much.

        • isabella says:

          people don’t like e store because they don’t know how to get point

      • Anisa says:

        I have a deluxe account and it isnt all that bad for you your not missing anything except the monthly box ect. you only get 3000 estorepoints every month and there is cool stuff but it is hard to save up to get something like that hope every one sees its not bad to not be a member but when you are one it might just be a tad bit funner

      • Jessica2240 says:

        totally agree

      • clobo says:

        i am mad too. I think that the people should make deluxe FREE

      • lpslover123133 says:

        Yeah what about people that don’t have deluxe or estore points. Horselover13 do you think that it’s fair?!

    • dachsiesrule says:

      I AM SO SAD! i saw that hamster and said ” if they make that a plush,i am soo buying it” but i suppose LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN WEBKINZ WORLD THESE DAYS! it has to be e store.

    • Makenna says:

      AWESOMENESS……..i just won the dice thing so got 2 go so i can see it bye…….yooooooooohooooooooooooo…so happy :-)

    • SoccerSquirrell says:

      I wish I could get that room.

      Help me spread the word:
      They also forgot to tell us…
      The COMMUNAL CONTEST is BACK but they forgot to advertize it.

      Please register and play HUNGRY HOG this weekend.

      The link for the page on WW is hidden – go to the front page of Kinzville Times.
      Above the page index is an ad, usually for POTM; click it.
      On this new page, the ad in the same spot (just above the index) is for the Communal Contest.
      Click it and you will get to the CC page so you can register and see our progress.
      At 4am Sat we are about 23%, really good with such a hidden event.

      We need 65,000,000 points – that would be 1,000 people getting 65,000 points each, or equivalent.
      I get over 3,000 points in 1 quick game, so that’s 1000 people playing 20 or so games like me.
      My cousin gets about 15,000 a game, so only 5 for pros like her.
      Right now, it’s actually fewer people needed to do this, only 770. Will you be one? Or part of “one”?
      We CAN do it if everyone spreads the word and pitches in.
      The prize is the Ginko tree, which you can sell if you don’t like.

      Please HELP, even 1 game. Register and play. Spread the word.

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