Celebrate Deluxe with May Specials!

Celebrate Deluxe Advantage with May Specials!

May’s Candy Kinz Pet is…the Mint Chocolate Cow!
Learn more about the
Mint Chocolate Cow and other Candy Kinz Pets here.

Mother's Day

Celebrate May Specials all month long with these Deluxe items:

Deluxe May Specials
Mother’s Day Getaway

Deluxe May Specials
Serene Dream Pond

Deluxe May Specials
Spring into Summer Window

Not a Deluxe Member Yet?
There’s still time to Sign Up to take advantage of all the Specials!


Items pictured above include: Mint Chocolate Cow, Leaning Tower of Kinzville (the lastest and greatest Wacky Webkinz World item), Tribute to Mom Garden, Grey Owl Topiary, Smiling Sunny Cloud, Serene Dream Pond, Piggy Plum Tree, Grey Owl Wonderful Waterfall as well as various W-Shop trees and flowers.


Webkinz Aviary Wallpaper

Meadow MAZIN’ Hamster

Caring Valley Tree Kit

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

121 Responses to Celebrate Deluxe with May Specials!

  1. mackenzy says:

    wow i wish i could be a deluxe member in fact i think i will i am going to the gaz shop in webkinz ville see you :)

  2. fgt says:

    That is a FANCY idem I am happy that it is for moms becuse on webkinz stuff is hard to find so that is sweet

  3. hseth says:

    ahh the mint choclate cow looks so cute

  4. lalala says:

    you made estore wich is only for duluxe members. then you have to pay for duluxe membership

  5. vanessa says:

    wow this is so awesome i really want this

  6. AudreyRox says:

    why is there DELUXE MEMBER any way its bad enough we have to buy webkinz for $14.99 why deluxe if
    people agree with me don’t buy it wast of money (p.s. the only thing on Webkinz thats deluxe only is the
    games & personalize things)

  7. abby says:

    i hate e store

  8. bamboo says:

    i want all of it its all so cool!!!


    just be happy with what you have!!

  10. Ciara says:

    Deluxe membership is really fun! I have annual membership and it is really fun.

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