Chase the Sun Ends Tomorrow

Keep collecting Summer Fun prizes in Webkinz Next

The Chase the Sun event ends on July 21 in Webkinz Next.

Click the floating sun in Kinzville to collect adorable summer clothing for your pet.

If you’re luck you may collect the rare Summer Fun Sprinkler or Summer Fun Pool.
Win up to three prizes a day only until the end of this weekend!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



21 Responses to Chase the Sun Ends Tomorrow

  1. strawberrycream12 says:

    The sun was so nice at the beginning because it was easy to find it while doing my dailies. When it started spawning randomly, I didn’t find it fast enough or often enough during busy days. I wish I could have won the sprinkler!

  2. tinymomma84 says:

    Between work and being sick, I missed most of it. I did get 3 nice swimsuits though.

  3. slk says:

    27 possible prizes on 2 accounts [54 total]. 1 account got ONE NEW item the summer petals swimsuit and the other account got TWO NEW items – the summer petals and summer surfer. What the heck is up with that? Everything was OLD. How many keychains do I need? So very disappointed in this event this year. Hopefully next year they loosen the reins on the prize pool.

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