ChiChi Chihuahua Retires!


ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The Webkinz ChiChi Chihuahua is retiring… and so is the Chic Wardrobe, its Pet Specific Item! If you are a lucky owner of this Webkinz, don’t forget to visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend to count sailboats on Saturday (June 14th) and get a FREE Molly Kinz Plushie on Sunday (June 15th). Congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!



How many retired pets do you have? Leave your comments below…


63 Responses to ChiChi Chihuahua Retires!

  1. CountryKinz17 says:

    Wait what?! I saw this pet every time I would go to this one little store where I get all my webkinz from! So in where I am its not retired. And no I’m not telling the name of the store, safety reasons.

  2. Mochagarden5 says:

    Aww… It’s so cute!

  3. stubbytail2013 says:


  4. mypuppydalmation says:

    i have 2 retired pets the angora bunny and the water dog

  5. mypuppydalmation says:

    Ganz this is unbearable please stop retiring so many pets!!!!!!!!!good thing i have the chihuahua

  6. arianatootlebug says:

    I don’t have any retired pets, even though I have 38 pets. The picture of the future retiring pets that they showed before they started retiring them featured a few of my pets, but they have not been retired yet. :(

  7. cowtown says:

    what happened to pet of the month, my pets are not retired yet or pet of the month, can you bring back more pets of the month, with the chance to get a sailboat prize. please think about that.

  8. Lisamarie580 says:

    i think i have one , is the pink dalmation retired?

  9. Bugz7H says:

    My only retired pet is the Glitzy Dragon

  10. KinzMom5 says:

    Is there a list of retired pets somewhere on Webkinz News?…

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